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Some Players plays more and get higher advantages throu influence

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13 years ago
--- Some Players plays more and get higher advantages throu influence ---

If you have more free time in your real live and can play more PW, you get more IPs - the first law, or not?

--- Changes ---

I would make a timestamp on your first activity at a day - each 24 hours it would be a new timestamp.

Every game since this timestamp should be counted as a related game ( in the following sentences ).

If you have a higher total of related games, you get lower IPs.

First game of a day: 100%

Second game: 50%

Third game 25%

or something like this ...
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13 years ago
I would rather give "rest" bonus than penalizing active people
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13 years ago
OK - Licho had a better idea :)

--- changes ---

First game at a day: 150% IPs

Second game: 125% IP

First game at weak: 150% IPs ( does not count to day )

Second game at weak: 125% IPs ( does not count to day )
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13 years ago
wouldnt that just promote multi-accounts?

if i get a clan and make 5 accounts i can then just play my games for the bonuses.

More Free time - more influence

Thats how it is with everything, even irl stuff. More time at work, more money.

As much as i do see where youre comming from with this, i think that any bonus given to playing "occasionally" is going to get exploited.

Limited stamina/games/turns online is the one thing that annoys me, if i have 30 mins to play, i can get a game in, if i have a day to play i can get many games in, i just want to enjoy myself.
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13 years ago
Just keep thinking about ways how to make it more about skill and less about pure time.

I think there is already lots of skill involved - in who you beat, how well you spend your resources, how well you trade, how you pick your targets, how you coordinate your clan..

The best way to equalize footings is tomake clan same active size imo..
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13 years ago
None of this locked-technology nonsense, THAT screws over ingame skill.
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13 years ago
It adds a lot of strategy and all labs are meant to be equal so clans should show their skill in handling those in early game when not all technologies are available.

I think it adds a lot more fun. Anyway nobody forces you to play it that way :) And people can vote to disable onlucks on autohost ..
+0 / -0

13 years ago
All labs are not equal. A lot of the heavy porc-breaker stuff is locked, as well as a lot of the anti-heavy (which is pretty critical in killing super commanders now). All air is locked, and fighters are necessary for killing lichos. If it is turn-off-able that is alright though.
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13 years ago
Just make 2 factions that battle it out and give bonuses to money/infulence to the faction with lower numbers by the % that they are out numbered by in active players. There can be clans within the two factions. That way both sides will generally have the same activity and there will always be people gaining stuff for each side.
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13 years ago
We had 2 sides it didnt work because uneven number of players from 2 sides want to play.
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13 years ago
waldo: super commanders and licho's are very very very easy to kill, it just seems you havnt learned how to yet

i like licho's idea for IP and what not sounds good since i dont have much time to play atm, you could put it in and see what happens maybe? idk

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13 years ago
Hey there, you might have not noticed my elo ranking :)

Here is a battle where I win pretty much single-handedly with only 1 licho: http://zero-k.info/Battles/Detail/8362

And there are a couple hard counters to commanders, but the more you lock away (especially the ever-popular to mention skuttle, precision bombers, etc.), it becomes harder. It's probably more accurate to say, super coms have barely scratched the surface with their potential, because people generally aren't using them too well.
+0 / -0
13 years ago
Back to topic :)

I suggest Auto-Clankick for players who are about 2 weeks afk, or play only one game per week.
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13 years ago
Maybe it would help if we can make a maximum of maybe 10k IP on a planet.

If your clan is excessing the overflow is substracted at equal parts from each other one who has IPs on this planet.

This would force some selling to locals and reduce the 1 IP - ppls on planets.

It also reduces the IP difference between the clan with the most and second most IPs - at the cost of IPs from others.

But if many small clans - or player who can't do anything with this IPs fight for this planet, the top clan don't get more IPs than this clan has allready.

Without substract because domination !!!

I think that would balance the game more than the domination rules.
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