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How long am I banned

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Cmon bro who ever muted I had a bad morning I just woke up man. Somebody got mad because I didnt push in front line and you know what i got mad back, so thats what happened.

I am sorry. I am a rowdy country boy in the middle of nowhere bro I just go off sometimes. I know im not as socially responsible as those city boys man help a man out.

Please give me a second chance.
+0 / -1

4 years ago
You can see the remaining time of your ban on your profile page. Just hit your own name on the forum and it brings you there.
+2 / -0
4 years ago
I see man honestly they should give a warning dude. Like when police pull me over for shit I say worse things but they dont give a f but I didnt know the rules here so maybe a warning saying "hey watch your language" out here in the woods anything goes man as long as you dont threaten somebody you good to go, know what I mean?
+0 / -0

4 years ago
ye who would have thought that

"suck your moms tranny cock ok?"
"says the fuck-face who doesn`t help north"
"piece of shit"

could get you into problems...

i am pretty impulsive as well, trust me, i know how it feels. but lack of impulse-control is an explanation, not an excuse.

and on a sidenote:
If you feel a moderator has acted unfairly, you may file a complaint using the "Contact administrators" button or (if absolutely necessary) on the forum and explain your position. Please be respectful to all parties when discussing the issue. Rants are highly unlikely to lead to a productive outcome and will often simply result in a thread lock.
(cited from CoC)
+3 / -0

4 years ago
There was also "Christianity is a religion of pedophiles and KKK" and calling other people degenerates.

tl;dr: It is up to you to recognize that you are currently "talking to other people in the ZK community" rather than "in the woods" and modify your behaviour accordingly. It is not up to us to make allowances for the societal norms that every individual player coming from all corners of the world is accustomed to.

You are not banned; your mute will last for about another 36 hours.
+2 / -0
I see what u mean bro

Trust me bro here where im from you should hear what the boys down here in Alabama say. Police other day told my friend to suck his pp coz he refused to show ID and u know what it is what it is man, I told him the same to that stupid idiot police officer and we go about our business. WOrds are words out here i guess but some places like in the city you gotta behave so I get it for real

Im redneck back country woods in this part we do stupid stuff lol my friend flipped my ford F-150 truck to the side and you knwo what I beat his butt good fun loll

I love everyone here this game is my social bro Id crack a beer any day with yall

Im gonna watch some YouTube noew peace out my dudes

(edit sorry for so may edits I like to be 100% clear)
+1 / -1

4 years ago
still the worst excuse i have heard so far.
+1 / -0
"suck your moms tranny cock ok?"

Not gonna lie if someone told me that online I wouldn't even be offended... I find that spicy and funny AF
+0 / -0
4 years ago
hi mr Katastrophe im not looking for excuses didnt i say i undersand? and i said love peace so i dont know why still mad i love everybody here, i said i would crack a beer and have a cold one that means good times brother peace and love have a good one.
+0 / -1
4 years ago
Ah fuk it,,, THe guy who talk shi to me coz i didnt rush in front line deserves everything i said coz He is the BIATCH and i talk shEIT back so fuck that pice of sht just like i he said yea i said it. You so big bad talking shi clal me 256 722-7190 say it to my FACE say it to my FACE

All you just SoMe snowflake sensitive libtard like CNN fake news sleepy Joe Biden ANTIFA communism funded by GEORGE SOROS111111 pc culture NPC lolllolol

BAN ME I DON CARE i uninstalled sons of btches lololollolol peace out bthes and and and Fox News way better watch REAL NEWS APPROVED BY PRESIDENT DONALD J TRUMP.

TRUMP 2020

Yea get mad coz i talk sht back cuz you talk sht to me but you support riots and people get killed cuz of it (3 baby killed excuse me????) DEMOCRAT LOGIC 101 LMAO I am Hispanic farmer wit no school and an and even I no Joe Biden is communist lol IDIOTS. VOTE REPUBLICAN PARTY u stupid IDIOTS trying to defund the police you are stupid stupid wt t

For the record THERE IS SUCH THING AS CHRISTaN PEDOPHILES and KKK ARE ALL CHRISTIANS, look it up dumbo its truth i seen it myself my oen eyes. FACTS OVER FEELINGS LOLLLLLLLLLLLLLL and I met actually KKK and I spit on his FACE atat WALMART lol THATS HOW YOU DO IT wusss



Reported to FCC and BBB the federal court house of supreme court cases in Washington DC CIA military class action lawsuite 5th degree stupid possesion of stupid with stupid written all over your mom take that!
+0 / -0