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Sea balance idea rant.

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4 years ago
Fuck it, bullet points.

-scallops should be nerfed, remove additional DPS from torpedos. only flechett, revert flechett damage nerf,
-shotgun can fire through water. this means coms have a water weapon, support and recon. scallops float to fire shotgun, corsair can work as a raider/riot against any unit in the sea now with it's shotguns.
-siren. I hate siren. remove the 'riot' role, give it a plasma cannon like ravager that can fire through the water. Make the artillry piece a dgun so that unit AI works properly and I can focus fire them. make the plasma cannon special so that it can fire potshots at underwater targets: waterweapon=true. fast enough to hit a bobing grizly, slow enough to miss ducks.

Anything with a raider role can fire from underwater. anything with a riot role or higher must surface to fire and be suceptable to skirmishers.

I don't know what happens to torp boat with an allfireing corsair. I don't know how scalpel works against float to fire. bouy looks to be a really strong skirmisher that noone uses, with slow as well as 60HPS regen and the ability to bob underwater. I thnk I would have more use for it if retreat at 66% hp to repair would work like this for bouy: when blow HP threashold, drop to seafloor and do not fire. When above 66% act normal. Most float to fire units have big unit AI problems relating to the lack of ability to move when floating and attack range. Grizly has this longstanding problem where it can get stuck on fightmove on the seafloor with an attack command on a surface target.

I don't like how amph can dominate the meta by using underwater, on water, and air with just lobster and scallop. https://zero-k.info/Battles/Detail/904202 everything else seems useless and this seems like an un-automateable task, opposite of zero-k design.

+3 / -0

4 years ago
Sea is bad.
Burn all the water. Kill it with fire.
+2 / -0

4 years ago
to be added.

Ships are useless after early game. As soon penetrators come up paired with scallops or even without ships are lost.
+0 / -0

4 years ago
Idea: Buff ships early game so much that you get kicked if you plop something in the water other than ships.
+1 / -0
4 years ago
Honestly, Siren doesn't need the Impaler sidearm. Just give Envoy a trajectory toggle for dealing with stuff on cliffs.

I've been playing around with quickmodding in bot games and I've been turning the Siren into an actual Riot/Assault, using the starburst as a shorter-ranged homing assault weapon and the sonic as a proper riot weapon.
+0 / -0
Buff ships early game so much that you get kicked if you plop something in the water other than ships.

Great, then game swings wildly to another side.
What makes sea unfun is that there's only ONE viable strategy. ZK land has so many different combinations and different strategies for each of the 6 land factories. Having only one viable strategy because of a dysfunctional unit interaction with sea is just boring.

I'll put it like this: imagine zk land where nothing can target gunships except for a few units and gunships that can target all units. Now imagine harpeys can kill all units in ground combat almost instantly and can be combined with tridents to just completely block aa fire while they close in.

This suggestion is basically "buff planes to the point of beating land factories AND gunships" -- how is this supposed to make sea fun by simply shifting the balance to extremely favor a different factory?
+3 / -0
Sea needs a significant edge to be worth using ever, given that it cannot go on land. Hovers and amphibious bots can. It will never be worthwhile investing on sea as anything more than a support factory as long as you can get the same return with hovers/amphibious bots, because you can use them on land as well. Sea doesn't currently give you anything irreplaceable. You need speed or range, hovers can give you that. You need power, amphibious bots gives you that better.

I have also observed the unit AI problems with buoyant units. If they cannot be fixed, maybe the game should move away from this concept. I personally don't find buoyant units intuitive in the first place anyways, with the exception of the AA unit as it has a very good intuitive reason for doing what it does (it surprises aircraft).

I feel like amphibious bots shouldn't really be designed to fight on the sea. Maybe a few sidearms, maybe a bot designed to harass ships underwater, but it shouldn't be a factory theme. I feel like they should be amphibious assault specialists/specialists of exploring the land-sea boundary to deal damage and escape into the sea to avoid retaliation.

Making amphibious bots a capable force underwater has always had the problem of shifting the focus of water combat into the underwater realm, which is not very interesting because it doesn't interact much with the rest of the game. Making them buoyant has not done much to solve that issue.

It doesn't help that there are few units that can shot underwater across the board. Hover only has two, neither of which is particularly good. Dagger is too tiny to be of much use in frontline combat, Claymore is too gimmicky to be the only real option.

Edit: A thought occurred to me: I'd like to see what sea would look like if scallop could not fire in water at all. Scallop is the underpinning of the whole underwater dominance of sea. Without it firing in water, amphibious bots would be relegated to support fac in open sea but would still be useful, and ships/hovers would have a lot more room to breathe.
+1 / -0
4 years ago
The other option is to go the other way, and make most, if not all, weapons water-capable. This means if you can see an amphbot, you can hit it. They still have their stealth and their regen though.
+0 / -0
but would still be useful

Then submarines would become the go to spam unit. Or worse: failing that, the game would devolve into cloak balls in sea as we've seen before. I don't think fighting cloak balls in sea is particularly fun.

Maybe the ships could become heavy tank like? Higher weight, some units gain an extra role, and perhaps some different weaponry?

Lobster could be more costly and that might help reduce the effectiveness of scallop-lobster.
+0 / -0
4 years ago
Lobster used to cost about 50% more, I'm not sure why it had its cost slashed given that it was already a powerful force multiplier before.

Submarines don't have the sheer firepower and durability of scallops. The're raiders, not assault/riots. And aren't scallops the heart of those cloakballs of which you speak? Otherwise I'm not sure what you mean.

I suppose making ships a late-game-ish factory could help them have more of a reason to exist despite being sea-locked. Specially if that includes greater land bombardment power than currently. Even without a major rework ships could use being a little heavier across the board anyways, they have a lot of light units that lose usefulness fast past the early game.
+0 / -0

4 years ago
Scallops shouldn't be able to launch torpedoes while airborne.
+0 / -0
4 years ago
sea needs rails
floating rail bridges
+1 / -0
we need a new unit to rescue sinking ship factory...
I have already a idea and draw the model!

+2 / -0
4 years ago
What does it do?
+0 / -0
it saves our souls
it saves our seafarers

* it shoots long range torpedoes and was removed for the sake of sea balance some time ( maybe 2 years? ) ago. It was called sniper sub. Monospam with some cover units was kinda win for sea, likely how sea loses to lances now.
+1 / -0

4 years ago
Yes serpent is needed but not like in previous times. I suggest it should be built from strider fac and be bit costly. It costed around 1k metal and with that range underwater it was bit op still.
Ships aren't useless in late game. But still they struggle vs other factory. Ship is better played like support factory where main sjip power comes from their arty ship. Time ago it was less powerful. Skeeter and sea skirm is useless as units. Nobody used them. Ship fac is make only to counter ship units not amph or hover. Hover also is now bad because clymore nurfed. Now sea dominates with scallops ball + lobster and OPeness is in that it can fire while midair. Units should not be able to fire while in midair. Also one lobster can throw every unit around. Lobster need nerf - it shouldnt be able alone throw heavy units and should throw limited unit count.
Lance also should be cost nerfed. That unit is really OP in dmg terms. Deletes any dante and com on field. I would suggest give it bit more range but add more cost.
+2 / -0
4 years ago
Serpent kind of looks like an ekranoplan, just saying...
+0 / -0
4 years ago
I feel the same way about ships and hovers. Each have a few units that are worth making the factory for but the factory itself isn't terribly viable solo.

I feel lance balls are overrated though. Lances are very vulnerable and require a lot of micro, specially when balled. That being said, there are certainly players who make the hover fac even on pure land maps just for lances.
+0 / -0
4 years ago
we need a new unit to rescue sinking ship factory...
I have already a idea and draw the model!

+6 / -0
Bringing Serpent back as a Strider won't make Ship factory more viable.

My proposal for a first round of fixing:
-Give Scallop sonic EMGs, kinda like the Reaver weapon, as their only weapon. Make sure it has inaccuracy. Less alpha, can have less DPS while still being effective against raiders.

-Fix Siren by making it into an actual assault and not a coward. You can either make the missile an assault weapon, or the sonic cannon. Making the missile into the assault weapon might not be possible without some interesting scripts. (I'll let you know if my latest idea works out.) Because of turn rate and tracking and stuff. You can make the missile into an assault weapon. I still want to fine-tune the number tho.

-Give Envoy a trajectory toggle so it can take over the role of artillerying stuff on high cliffs and over walls.

-Make Zephyr into a missile AA unit. It's the only AA unit with radar (because of "we want stealth underwater") but it has direct-fire guns that cannot hit the radar targets it sees. Of the other three non-missile AA units Ettin has flak that will hit a nearby target, Toad only has a 140-elmo-thick band and only one of its weapons exceeds its massive sight range, and Gremlin - well, Gremlin also has this problem but only 40 elmos thick (though maybe it should have a "don't shoot at radar contacts" toggle? Just because of decloak for no gain?)

+1 / -0
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