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New 56 K Modem

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4 years ago
The page load time feel like past. Feels like a 56 K Modem.
In need wait 10 Sek to load http://zero-k.info/
+1 / -0
4 years ago
+0 / -0
Anyone successfully used the modem on hold / call waiting feature in V.92?

Not longer after purchasing my Zoom V.92 56K modem, broadband came out.

What a fantastic improvement it was to use the remaining frequencies on the line.
+0 / -0

4 years ago
I had such issue some days ago but it was solved so i have no problems with Zero-k.info loading time. MAybe its because server was moved in Canada?
+0 / -0
nah it was always like that. It is only startpage.... maybe some heavy slow queries running through,

they cannot even enforece HTTPs... so what do you expect?
+1 / -0
4 years ago
I have not played at the moment and therefore cannot say what my ingame ping is like.
But loading the page, and I don't just mean the start page, but the whole page of Zero-K plus all the bottom pages, it just takes forever.

Zero-K has never been the fastest.

But slowly.
Grade measured, also 7 seconds until something loaded.

That was definitely not the case in the past.
+0 / -0
4 years ago
Just tested a game, COOP.

A ping from 300 to 500 at the beginning of the game.

What kind of ping should I only have with an advanced game?

I'll test it out the days.

But I have the feeling that the new server was not a good investment.
At least for me.
+0 / -0
4 years ago
But the Website is now very fast loading, under 1 Sek.
+0 / -0
4 years ago
You guys need to move to canada.
+0 / -0
My ping did not improve at all from this server move. It was 300-500ms before and is the same now.

It seems server has become worse for some european and russian players. I am curious how it has affected our asian players.
+0 / -0