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Reef and Storages

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2 old and well knowm problems

Got some suggestions regarding em:


R1 - Disarm missile also drains the shield of disarmed targets

R2 - x2 Drone population

R3 - Addition of a Radar Jammer

R4 - Shields for the service/airpads (example: 300 cap, 5 regen, 1-5 E drain)


S1 - Combined storage stays ingame

S2 - Addition of Spilt Storages (same cost but 2x capacity or 1/2 cost and same capacity)

S3 - Destroyed M storage pile contains the stockpile it had 1:1 + usual reclaim of the building itself (only works when player has more metal than new storagecap)

S4 - Destroyed E storage explosion scales with E income/storage fill level/Grid strengh

S5 - E storage same cost, x4 capacity, requires (?? strong) grid to bulid

S6 - "Social storages" gives every player storage capacity (=StorageCap:Playercount)

S7 - Disarmed Storages become unacessable but content isnt lost

S8 - Shocked,EMPed E storages lose stockpile

S9 - Builders provide small storage capacity (+5-+10? funnel more?)

S10 - Option to toggle storages on/off

I would like the following discussion to be about reasons why NOT and adjustment/improvement ideas. R1-4 and S1-10 is so u can easily refer to the point youre talking about. If more explanation on some points is needed just ask.

Im looking forward for the results, maybe we can improve something!
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4 years ago
err what is wrong with the clasical storage: stores metal and energy?
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4 years ago
S3 - Destroyed M storage pile contains the stockpile it had 1:1 + usual reclaim of the building itself (only works when player has more metal than new storagecap)

IMO it should eject as much metal as the proportion of storage lost. E.g. you have 100 metal stored in 1 Storage and a commander, which on total have 1000 storage. The Storage dies, and with it 500/1000 of the storage capacity. So 50 metal which was stored is ejected with this loss.

This is actually something of a buff to storage: previosly, losing a storage that would cause your currently stored metal to be over your new capacity would cause it to be excessed completely and not regainably.
+0 / -0
EErankAdminAnarchid Combined with S9 and S10 it becomes a good idea.
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4 years ago
Well regarding Reef's relative useless nature compared to other strider units lots can be done.
R1 - Currently it's pretty 'balanced' considering each missile costs metal. In case the shield drain of disarmed targets is being an issue, pretty sure that's just how disarm works, so I guess Reef is just an unorthodox counter to shieldballs when you consider the missile's short travel time.

R2 - Wholeheartedly agreed, Reef's offensive capability is shut down by any type of flak or missile AA, having twice the maximum count could probably help making it less worthless.

R3 - Agreed, Reef needs more function if it's going to be worth the metal investment and Jammer on it at least helps a tiny bit.

R4 - Can't agree to a shield on Reef, though I'd agree to buffing Reef's airpads, either by increasing the rearm/repair speed of the pads, but adding a weak shield to Reef would only remove it's ability to cloak, resulting in a nerf so that's a no from me.

Storage is quite good currently, no need to increase it's complexity for little to no gain, it'll only confuse new players more than it already does.
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4 years ago
The simplest way to buff reef would be to make it have x2 drone capacity and make the drones insta-build so AA cant shut it down
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