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Jump Com's Jump Range Wrong?

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13 years ago
--- ./luarules/configs/jumpdefs.lua ---

jumpCategory = {

baseclass = {


400, height

200, speed

6, reload

10, aaShootMe

false, delay

0, cobscript

true, rotateMidAir


-- category containining only optional tags for testing error code only.

-- iammissingstuff ={

-- reload

10, aaShootMe

false, },

commrecon1 = {


400, height

200, speed

6, reload

20, aaShootMe

false, delay

0, cobscript

false, rotateMidAir


commrecon2 = {


450, height

220, speed

6, reload

14, aaShootMe

false, delay

0, cobscript

false, rotateMidAir


commrecon3 = {


500, height

240, speed

6, reload

10, aaShootMe

false, delay

0, cobscript

false, rotateMidAir



--- QUESTION(S) ---

What is the baseclass?
Is it level 0 or level 4?

Has level 0 a shorter "reload time" then morphed and is it like a hill with the top at level 1 ?

Or is the baseclass level 4 with the hill at level 2 in the "jump distance" categorie ?

Is there something I should know about ?
+0 / -0
13 years ago
Well I'm not sure how it works. But it seems pretty safe to assume that reload is the absolute time in seconds between each jump. At least it works like that for weapons.
+0 / -0
13 years ago
The base class is the one such units as pyro, can etc belong to. The com belongs to the respective commrecon classes. Basic com is level 1 and morphs to level 4 and this is reflected in the internal names.
+0 / -0
13 years ago
After a quick check, it seems that morph doesn't affect recon comm jump. It stays in commrecon1 class (400 range, 20s reload) as of v0.8.7
+0 / -0
13 years ago
Isn't it crazy that this declaration still remains?
+0 / -0