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Tips on how to manage a large group of bombers?

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5 years ago
When I make a lot of Ravens, I usually have a hard time keeping track of which ones need to be rearmed and which ones are ready to attack. So when I double-click all of my bombers and send them at a target, it makes the ones that need to be rearmed also fly there and do nothing. Is there a way that I can select only bombers that are armed and only ones that aren't? And what are some of your general techniques for keeping a steady flow of bombing and rearming? I usually end up with a cluster of bombers flying around each other, some needing rearming and some not, and it's also difficult for me to click the specific ones I want because of them flying around each other.
+0 / -0

5 years ago
I try and use my team's free airspace in our deepbase to organize my bombers. Here's some random tips:

Fully re-armed/repaired aircraft will take off an airpad and fly to the airpad's waypoint. You can set factory and airpad waypoints to group all things that take off from those airpads,

Selecting a large group of bombers and clicking the 'repair and rerm' button in the UI will only give orders to damaged or unarmed bombers. You can set a move order and then press the button to sift out all but the ready and full HP bombers in a selection.

Give move orders after attack commands and bombers will turn towards that order instead of the nearest airpad after dropping payload. This makes for fluid turns away from AA every time.

if secureing a kill with very many bomers, use the move order trick to not have bombers flying out and circleing in the middle of the battlefield. Bombers that lose the attack comand due to the unit dieing before the bomb drops will fly aimlessly into AA.

Think about using linemove in interesting ways to group and then distribute bombers to be concentrated and also not too vulnerable to AOE.
+3 / -0
5 years ago
This is why I only use gunships =)
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