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hey is there a way when u challenge a person to 2 vs 1, and u want to be 1 person

8 posts, 407 views
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5 years ago
how do u that ? trying to do it but everytime i type predict. it just doesn't come out. me and peturtle fought highrule and the predict thing said it will be me. i got jiffed. is there a command so u can be 1 vs 2 and u get the 2 combots or 3 or 4 or 5 vs 1 and u get respectively the combots.
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!type custom

but no double com
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5 years ago
Dont u get 2 coms if its a !teams game?
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5 years ago
!type teams

will only result in the middle ranked player vs the team of the higher tranked player and the lower ranked player. It will only ever spit out a single combination of teams at any given time. How can we have a game where a single player of our choosing plays with double com vs a team of 2 other players of our choosing? This is restricted under !type teams, and the double com is as of now impossible under !type custom.
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5 years ago
Something I've wanted to know the answer of for ages
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5 years ago
Shouldn't it be the highest ranked played vs the other two?
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5 years ago
the least difference between average WHR between 2 teams in a 3 player situation is going to be the middle WHR person vs the high+low WHR people, every time.
+0 / -0
5 years ago
I would really like to see a 2v1 tournament if you could spawn 2 coms for a higher elo player. This way even lower elo players could team up against better players and fight together (with more apm).
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