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interesting bug

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5 years ago
while playing against AIs i figured out that if you click directly on an AI unit you can give it commands (though the AI will most the time tell the bot to do something else right after) you can also make it use factorys, i use that with inactive AIs and normally just kinda give my self targets, its a fun bug thats all
+2 / -0

5 years ago
Did you have God mode on? If so it is not a bug.
+0 / -0
5 years ago
I can see this using Zero-K v1.7.10.0 - you can select AI controlled units and issue them orders. They don't need to be friendly AI controlled - you can issue self-destruct orders to enemy units, and they'll obey.

Drag selecting doesn't work - you need to click on the unit/radar dot directly.

Could God mode be being enabled by default?

Example replay: http://zero-k.info/Battles/Detail/790764
+0 / -0

5 years ago
This is a known engine bug. It's fixed in the recent engine versions, but a recent attempt at upgrade failed due to more brutal bugs being introduced to replace the ones squashed.
+4 / -0