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Communications in relation to command and control

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While doing some abstract reading, I came across defense-in-depth principles and hedgehogs. The theory of these tactics being that you force your enemy to go through multiple lines of defense and by building citadels meant to be bypassed, you leave a stronghold capable of interdicting enemy logistics and cc.

While there is no supply in Zero-K, command, and control is present. Whenever you order your units to move, they move. In order for that to happen, you need to send them orders through radio (or whatever advanced sci-fi comm tach we use). However, in Zero-k, there is no radio range or any such limiting factor.

Proposal: Add-in a new c and c mechanic to add a sense of depth and new gameplay options.

1. add command and control range: make it so that units will only take orders if within certain range of the commander
2. add relayers or radio dishes or whatever that serve as energy pylons, extending the range of control
3. add a subcommand structure to serve as a secondary command structure in case your comm is destroyed

this should be very similar to the energy grid system and thus shouldn't be too hard to implement.

If a unit is within the command range, you can give it orders and it will perform normally.
If a unit is outside of the command range, it will follow the orders given to it when it was last in command range. Or if it did not have orders, then it will not receive any orders but still fire and use its unit ai. So if a glaive is out of command range and with no orders, it will just stand there. If an enemy bandit comes into range, it will attack it based on its attack setting (hold, return or at will). If the bandit moves out of range, the glaive will follow it based on its move setting (hold, limited or full).

In order for command range to work, it must be connected to the commander or a subcommand building.

Constructers do not require command range to function (let's assume they have great onboard ai).

Initial comm command range is should be like 2000-5000 Elmo(what is Elmo ???)

This would add a new layer of depth in game and more realsm as well as new tactics. Is your enemy stronger then you? aim for his radio dishes to knowck out his command range and leave his army isolated.

You can now encircle enemy forces and isolate them from their command range to pocket them.
Air now has really great targets, bomb enemy radio dishes or subcommand units to disrupt the enemy's plans.
Early game comm deaths are now more deadly. If you forgot to build a subcommand early on, then until you get a new one, your unable to do much. Build a strong point and force the enemy to bypass it and thus expose their command and control network.

Feel free to comment, add on or add suggestions-Tarkin.

(development-wise, I hope it isn't too much as it should follow the same principles as the overdrive system and I hope you add this :)

edit 1: Reading this over, I realize how horrible this is formated and written. Please forgive me, I am still learning.

+0 / -3

4 years ago
Ideas like that (changing dramatically the gameplay) do not belong as suggestions to implement in the game, but rather as a mod to existing game/other gamemode. You can prototype that on single map or as a mod to check out how it works.

That being said I've had a friend that asked me if there are any RTS games that simulate the command and information propagation delays - I didn't know any. Your idea is the first one I've seen.
+5 / -0
4 years ago
I was hoping for this to be included in the mainstream game.
+0 / -0
That being said I've had a friend that asked me if there are any RTS games that simulate the command and information propagation delays - I didn't know any. Your idea is the first one I've seen.

Generally this is because they are not that difficult to simulate, they are difficult to make fun, especially in real time.

And games are about being fun to play.
+6 / -1
4 years ago

This would literally kill early raiding, giving a massive boost to porc?
+2 / -1
ye and let´s be honest, porc really is a bit underpowered in zk.

(that was an ironic comment)
+1 / -0
4 years ago
Not really, it would make planning the raiding harder. If you want to raid your opponent, then you need to set up the infrastructure first or set up viable intel so that you can give your orders.

Also thinking more about it, giving the Owl, Funnelweb, and Reef (thinking of more viable units) command range.
+0 / -0
As for the aspect of fun, I believe it would be a very engaging feature. Imagine the thrill when you prey your raven kills the enemy radar station as you watch the enemy army advance towards your base. Or the shock to see your entire army disabled as the enemy eliminates your subcommand unit.

as for porc, I am debating whether defences would need connection with command to function, and if yes to what degree.

1. They don't function at all
2. They shoot at stuff but you can't give them orders or change their settings (like normal units out of control range)
3. They have really great onboard ai and work like normal
+0 / -1
4 years ago
To flesh things up:
each fac is provided with a mobile radio unit to make raiding possible. The model can be exactly the same with the same stats.
The interface for command range is the same as the overdrive one (the one showing which mexs are connected to power)

+0 / -0
4 years ago
Why would you want to ruin the game
+3 / -1
I seriously doubt it would ruin the game

edit: Though I do realize this proposal needs more fleshing out as I feel I have made myself horribly unclear.
+0 / -1
Imagine the thrill when you prey your raven kills the enemy radar station as you watch the enemy army advance towards your base. Or the shock to see your entire army disabled as the enemy eliminates your subcommand unit.

Except you don't see your raven kill their radar, because the raven is too far in the fog of war and consequently you will only receive information on whether it succeeded once its signals have reached you back. Everything you see on the map is now not how things are, but how you predict the things should be based on latest inaccurate, sporadic, delayed, and sometimes contradicting data.

That huge army you sent to invade the enemy base? You still see it as marching onwards and probably encountering the enemy defenses, but in fact it got blown up by a bomb without having chance to send a message about it.

Eventually you will notice the lack of communication - how fast depends on how large the lag was to begin with - but you won't even know what did it.

So now you are playing a game where you don't know what consequences your actions will have and you don't feel in control except sporadically. This is not fun for most people.
+2 / -0

4 years ago
most people are here because they like the game as it is (roughly). there are discussions about balance, but thats mostly it.

i might cite zenfur:

"Ideas like that (changing dramatically the gameplay) do not belong as suggestions to implement in the game, but rather as a mod to existing game/other gamemode. You can prototype that on single map or as a mod to check out how it works."
+3 / -0
4 years ago
Another problem of clarity: There is no command delay, it is just that your units have to be within your command range to recieve orders
+0 / -0
4 years ago
I find one of the most satisfying thing to do in a RTS is a multi prong attack. It's one of the universal skills in all RTS that is analogous to, say, getting headhots in FPS or landing difficult combos in fighting games. It's a signature move of the genre.

Putting barriers on those may sound like an original idea, but that would just be putting a barrier on what is difficult to execute and is rewarding if you pull it off.

I'd totally be against having to set up a grid to be able to control my units. It just reinforces the idea that the way to play is to put all units in the same control group and walk around as one big ball instead of trying to make multiple things happen at the same time in different places.

Games like Warcraft 3 have hero auras that sinificantly enhance surrounding units. That's a somewhat better implementation of that idea IMO. You don't have to have that aura active at all time on all your units. You can still have a few units break off from the main force and pick soft targets apart, but there is the idea of a main force that is enhanced by each other or the hero.
+1 / -0
4 years ago
@galamesh you can still do those, you just need to set up the "logistics" to do so. In fact, I strongly believe this would enhance the effect of multipronged attacks. There are now strategic targets in the game (radio towers) which represent objectives of sorts. Now you have form multiple task forces. One to defend your own radar dish, one to strike the enemy's, and one to draw the attention of the enemy's main army. Currently, multipronged attacks are limited as there are no "stratgic" targets.
+0 / -0
I mean, mex and exposed cons are prime raiding targets.

There are just way less targets for raiding in teams because the more teammates there are, the more commanders there are on the field so the less effective raiders are.

But in 1v1 you have only one commander for the whole map and placing LLTs or pickets next to every mex is expensive early on. The player who can afford to get away with exposed mexes takes a significant lead, so a big part of the game is to probe and snipe what you can without losing your raiders so that if nothing else, you keep getting information.

Heck, even if I destroy nothing, if my opponent responds to a couple of glaives probing each side of the base by building extra LLTs, I'm dead laughing because I'm not defending and I'm capturing mexes left and right.

But if we both engage in raiding and defending to the minimum amount we can get away with, we enter this dance where the first of us to lose raiders is put a singnificant disadventage early on even if no mexes are destroyed on either side. Suddently, the one player with the raiders still standing can catch exposed cons.

Maybe something like a unit requiring a certain amount of power to operate would be cool, but to require all my units to be in range of a radio tower seems a bit extreme and I really don't see how that enhances multi prong attacks. I used to be able to do it without said towers, now I need infrastructure to be able to send a scout. How is that not just a hurdle?

EDIT: Compare that with Starcraft. What does a couple of marines, a single zealot or 4 zerglings do outside of picking off a worker? It takes ages to take down even a supply depot with so few units. Buildings in ZK are really brittle. It's not even en exaggeration to think that a single glaive/bandit/lightning tank/scorcher... can reasonably quickly take out a fusion plant.
+0 / -0

4 years ago
There is no need to implement a command and control platform to limit control because there is something already built in that already does that better called Actions Per Minute (APM).
+1 / -0
I mean the command part wouldn't be hard to implement as a map feature to play with - and vision part (I suppose it's not part of Tarkin's suggestion) would have to be an extra work as a gadget of said map.

Simple widget that would trigger on commandGiven and cancel the command if its too far from some unit X (say radar tower or commander) is pretty simple. Add some SFX for event of cancelling order so the player knows that something is happening, extra points if you make command buildings display command range when selected (easiest solution - give weapon with that range that can't shoot). That might be a motivatin to learn how to mod ZK (write widgets) CArankTarkin or ask someone to do it for you.
+0 / -0
is it possible for people to write there own mod-options they can use with friends?

maybe this idea could still make some people happy without harming anyone else provided they did the work for it and made it a downloadable extra that nobody needs to feel threatened by

like the night mode: dark map and units have headlights.. cool mod option someone added a while back.. its gone now i think
+0 / -0