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Clan limits for round 2

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13 years ago
Important - there is now no clan size limit in round 2 :)
Its set to 100 people.
You can also freely leave clans.

I hope we will get fewer bigger clans instead of lots of small ones.
+0 / -0

13 years ago
This change is silly for many reasons.

Big clans are bad for battle balance. Larger clans increase the chance of unavoidable clanstack in a battle. If you split clan members across opposite teams the entire battle -> meta-game relationship becomes stupid as no matter who wins the clan with players on both sides will gain IP. If there are more clan members on one side than the other it would be advantageous for the smaller team to sabotage the team so the clan is better off.

Unbounded clan sizes also make the metagame unbalanced. It is unlikely that the largest clans will have near equal player count and player count is very important. This of course counts active player count, with the clan size limit of 8 clans could have no more than this many active players if new players are ignored.
+0 / -0
13 years ago
Google, I think the new balance is fail. With the balance of the first PW round, clans couldn't be splitted. Now they can. And we've tested like 5 games today, if you want to play a 4 vs 4 and there is 2 clans of 4 players, it's impossible without splitting both clans (stupid eh?!). So balance will ALWAYS be like that: 3 DOOP+1 Imperium vs 3 Imperium+ 1 DOOP.
Instead of 4 DOOP vs 4 Imperium as it should.
What the heck hapened to balance? It seems they tried to fix the large uneven games. But they broke the balance by doing it. It could have been fixed without breaking the balance, but evidently it hasn't been done so.
+0 / -0
13 years ago

Either have a singular fixed no-nonscence limit that is lower.
Have a dynamic limit that is based off the average clansize + 2-5 (this way the top clans are kept in somewhat equal terms
Have a requirement for your clan size, number of planets, ammount of money, number of dropships.

Perhaps impliment a "flagship" or "capital ship" as a expensive/other unique requirements unit. And you can only join a clan if they have one to give you.

though i dont nkow how to balance that. it does seam a tad silly.
+0 / -0

13 years ago
I agree clans should not be split as doing so makes absolutely no sense.
+0 / -0

13 years ago
The same people who complain about clan split complained about unfair games..
high elo difference or high team size difference...

If you say "cant be split" it means games become horribly imba...
+0 / -0

13 years ago
Unfair games was not due to clan balance most of the time. It was often possible to make even teams which would have been better than uneven teams. The issue was a high priority on alliances.
+0 / -0
13 years ago
Alternatively, the IP could go for the clan, and not per player, and it should scale off how much the clan members collectively contributed towards victory, thus who rules the planet in the end would not depend on how many clan players were stacked in one team, but how well they performed.

I'm not experienced in balancing these, but giving IP per players seem stupid, in the end it just turns into a game of numbers, and not a game of skill, or godforbid "teamplay".

Just an idea.
+0 / -0

13 years ago
We cannot measure how well somoene played or how much he contributed to victory. Its a team game. We acan only assume each person contribution is identical and give person his reward..

Google - alliance values was NEVER as big as clan together value
+0 / -0
13 years ago
Don't get us wrong Licho; I have no idea who complained about unbalance in PW regarding high elo difference.
Yes about big difference in number of players, not about elo difference.
And if we choose clans and use a balance that makes you play with your clan team mates, you should NOT except a good balance regarding the elo.
As you said and I (and many agree I can assure you, such as japko) agree with you: PW is not meant for a balance with elo. That's fine, we have no problem with this.

But please... fix the new balance. Who modified it last time? Now it's so broken that even the normal balance (not in PW, but in zero K) is broken. !cbalance does not balance clans anymore... it just balances like !balance do.
The last modification of balance made it worse than it was. (I'd rather play a 5 vs 10 than fighting my own clan with the probability to the use of sabbotage).
+0 / -0

13 years ago
There was no modification
+0 / -0
13 years ago
Even if you can't measure it, giving ip per person is still bs.

It becomes a game of numbers.
+0 / -0

13 years ago
If its given to clans small clans have unfair advantage .. your one ally will get planet despite your 4 people doing all the work and he quit after 2 minutes.
+0 / -0
13 years ago
If you place a cap on the total number of clans, say 4 or 5, then it becomes a lot simpler to run PW.

You could have a PW lobby for every 2 clans, restricting battles to clan + allies vs clan + allies only with player count capped to smaller participant's number x2.
Larger clan can have extra members go fight on another lobby, perhaps defend against someone attacking one of their planet or "scout" enemies by spectating their battles.

Clan and player count balance.
+0 / -0
13 years ago

Yes, but it would encourage clans splitting up their forces, and fewer members fighting for more planets at the same time, increasing the importance of clever planning on extension, where to put defenses, what planets to put the important techs on, etc, instead of the clan just gathering up like a mob and running through the galaxy creating untakable 1000+ip planets.

Of course, everyone running around would be chaos.
But chaos is glorious in terms of the sheer ammount of unexpected situations it can cause.
+0 / -0

13 years ago
That goes completely against design goal of planetwars.

Design goal is that clan plays together and learns to improve cooperation.
+0 / -0
13 years ago
Disregarding that (like I said) the current system prefers quantity over quality, so, basically, you are proving my point...

People won't prefer cooperative gameplay in a game where rushiung flea and puppy and walking into the enemy base with a lvl4 christmas tree commander is a 70% sure way to win every game. You can try to argue against that, but it's truth. It"s not a tactic that rewquires much intelligence, but countering it req

Your goal is very noble, but then you have to take away or heavily nerf all their chances to victory 'except' heavy coopeeration, so they would always prefer clever planning over the general routines, because otherwise, they won't. Never ever. Especially because PW has a clearer goal than ZK. Winning the universe gives people a bit more motivation to be average StarCraft players.

I'm not sure that fiddling around with clan and alliance and ip systems can change that even. The problem is on more basic terms.
+0 / -0

13 years ago
Well thats low skill play or very small maps, you can notice that high skill people dont even morph commander.
+0 / -0
13 years ago
I think we should add a alliance bonus !!!

For each clan who is allianced with yours and play in this game you get additional IPs.

To avoid the worlds peace at all clans =) we should also give more reasons for war.

My own oppinion is that we should improve the trade, and add wares.

For example:
A planet produce each third round one shield lab point
If you have used this tech your clan points for this tech would be decreased.

And you can buy and sell this points.

Or make a universal economy between planets.

Like lizenses for Windows and MS-Office =)
( I think you know what I mean )
+0 / -0

13 years ago
There is already alliance bonus, you get 50% of what alies get on your planet. So they in effect defend your planet if you are not onlinbe.
+0 / -0