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1 vs 1 why people don't play often ?

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5 years ago
guys there is a curse in the land. people are afraid of 1 vs 1. we must do something no one wants to do 1 vs 1 their afraid of losing elo of people laughing at them. lets be fair just because some people lose 1 vs 1 discourages the base of players from doing 1 vs 1 isn't something it can be fix. we need new methods to promote 1 vs 1 so players lose elo but win something else.

1. twitch the site I see there codes to players and they get stuff. lets say you give A loser 1 vs 1 one of these codes so even if he loses get cheered up. not so much downfall and then uses the codes get stuff at twitcher

2.I see there is need to make more tournaments someone besides ultragodzilla to make 1 vs 1, I mean 2 or 3 times A week to stimulate players to try and mkae players wanna try the 1 vs 1.

hmm i'm thinking of more.
+0 / -0
5 years ago
Main reason why people do not play 1v1 more often.... is because 1v1 is boring.
Sure, there are players who enjoys macro-management of 9001 raider units, but having some kind of cooperation is (at least for me) much more interesting.
+0 / -0

5 years ago
nah 1v1 is the best. there are just not enough players. after a few days you have fought them all multiple times.
+1 / -0

5 years ago
1v1 requires high level of macro skill and APM as a floor. You lose if you fail in these areas irrespective of strategy.
+1 / -0

5 years ago
1v1 is either crushing (when matched up against someone you have a 3% chance of victory against) or boring (when matched against someone you have a 95% chance of victory against).

That said, when I see someone looking for a 1v1 I normally accept.
+0 / -0

5 years ago
yes it´s fun because there is noone to hide behind.
+2 / -0
5 years ago
I do quite enjoy 1v1, but I'd appreciate having something like the SC2 matchmaker's ability to select up to a few maps before queuing to make them extremely unlikely to appear.

I don't particularly enjoy sea battles, and for reasons I can't quite put my finger on, I don't particularly like Shifting Sands either. Knowing that I'm not, or that I'm probably not going to play a 1v1 which would force me into these situations, would go a long way to improving the matchmaking experience from my perspective.

The other main problem as I see it is that sometimes you just get too wide of a skill gap. I don't mind playing against better players and it can be quite instructive, especially if they're helpful enough to give advice after the game, but playing against much worse players can leave me feeling pretty bad.

I don't know of an easy solution to the second problem, as it seems like can only be fixed once you have more than two people in the queue.
+1 / -0
I can't say for the others, but i consider 1v1 to be the ultimate form of ZK and i dislike playing it when i don't feel at my peak and fully charged on self-confidence.

That won't help to advance the art.

I also enter periods of dormancy when i have a particular distaste of the balance situation, and additionally consider it useless to play when the balance has been changed a lot but i can't afford enough time to explore the changes properly.

For example, the Dominatrix change threw what we knew about Rover vs Tank up into the air, but how much does that matter in practice? It will take around 5 decently skilled games to figure out what the new reality really is. So if i'm only going to play one or two games, i'll go do something else.
+3 / -0
I am a new player and I started mostly for 1v1. I didn't even know team matches were more popular. So it is not desperate.

One problem is that most of the time when you go to the Matchmaking tab, it is written 0 players waiting. Which is true, but it doesn't mean no one will accept a 1v1 game.
I think new players don't even try to click on "Join" because they think they will never find a game. They do get game notifications but maybe they are not motivated to accept when they aren't looking themselves.

Maybe it should be made clearer that 0 player waiting does not mean that there will be no player. There is a slight chance someone connected will accept.
+0 / -0

5 years ago
Hmm, should we simply not show player counts in the queues?
+7 / -0
5 years ago
In fact, even if there are players waiting it is not guaranteed you will get a game "fast". Happened to wait some time even with players in queue (in the end it got accepted, but rank difference was rather large)
+0 / -0

5 years ago
could just have an "average wait time for a game in last 60 minutes" counter
+2 / -0
5 years ago
How about a lobby option to put yourself automatically in matchmaker when not in a game?
+1 / -0
5 years ago
I just suck at 1v1. I've lost to grey stripers before LOL.

I once duelled Godde and, well ... I think its become a repressed memory :D

My main problem is that I tend to one-track and lose focus as to what the correct strategy should be. That leads to panic and then my APM shoots through the roof as I try and catch up ... which leads to disaster as I have 10 things building and nothing completing.

My style is probably much more useful in team, and frankly playing against me is probably boring and annoying, because if I'm not dead early then it will become a porcfest and siege for another half hour. Dunno who is up for that.
+0 / -0

5 years ago
I beat Godde 1v1 once, at the peak

+3 / -0
5 years ago
hey yjohyjho your new :O where ya from ? don't know you :O wierd name you have.
+0 / -0

5 years ago
1) I prefer small teams.

2) Last couple of 1v1s I tried revealed my territorial control skills have atrophied badly (probably too many lobsterpots and too much air play in those lobsterpots). I'm not going near that queue until I'm satisfied I've re-established my grip on that part of the game. The AI is particularly good at poking anywhere and everywhere, so lately I'm practising with Circuit more.
+2 / -0
yea playing all on your own be it ai or pvp is totally underrated in this community. but this is actually what will get you good as you need to learn ALL aspects of the game. Squig when you feel confident about your skills, tell me and then let´s have some nice matches!
+0 / -0
5 years ago
They play teams because they like to blame their team when losing. In 1 vs 1, you don't have that!
+3 / -0
5 years ago
I don't really play 1v1 or small teams because I feel there aren't enough players for sensibly balanced games, and imbalanced games tend to be unsatisfying.

Big team games has a bigger mass of players to shift around with so it works out better.
+0 / -0