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Admin Abuse By Jasper

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5 years ago

I ( RUrankFirepluk ) just want to relay my story and message to the community and provoke some thoughts.
Recently had some break from zk, didn’t have time to play any games, today came back and played some games and got completely banned for 3 days(ingame ban, forum ban, IP ban). I cannot even post this message myself so I asked my friend.

I could understand the punishment if I did something outright horrible – like team killing, non stop abusing something or throwing horrible insults in chat non stop. But I just played games, won some, lost some… just like everyone else.

Then there was a game on https://zero-k.info/Battles/Detail/718328 with USrankAdminJasper on my team.
PErankatom2 left right at the beginning, we did not get his com so I tried !kick PErankatom2 and then cancelled right away as we got it. There was some trash talking from my side, like I said “gg”, “Jasper u gotta carry 3 fronts”… etc…

In some other games today I said things like “a: push u nubs” and “a: cunts”(directed at enemy team) in the heat of battle.

Apparently USrankAdminJasper got mad for that lost game and banned me for those horrible crimes against humanity ^^

Since when a little misbehavior in chat and trash talking leads to day bans?…

It’s kind of disgusting that moderators use their power to resolve personal grudges. And I’m pretty sure this is what is it.

P.S. I cannot even read this forum without using a proxy ^^
+0 / -0
5 years ago
I have to say that the mods do seem stricter lately than I remember. Has there been some sort of decision taken that we need to know about? I'm ok either way; however it would be nice to know if we're going to get toasted for stuff that used to happen without consequence in the past. Peace.
+0 / -0
5 years ago
russian roulette
+0 / -0

5 years ago
Well this has been already discussed extensively in #zk. So to keep it short: Insults are not okay. Repetition leads to (prolonged) bans.
+1 / -0

5 years ago
What's with the forum and site bans though?
Seems to me his offence was limited to in-game behaviour.
+1 / -0

5 years ago
It's a full ban including IP because he's known to make smurfs. At least he'll have to use a VPN now.
+0 / -0
I have not looked at this specific case, but our observation has been that muted players often cause further problems through their play while muted, perhaps out of frustration at being unable to communicate with their team. As such you can expect to see more lobby bans in future for things that were previously met with a mute. The bans may in some cases be shorter than the mute would have been (see for instance the EtSuRii incident a few days ago).

I have to say that the mods do seem stricter lately than I remember. Has there been some sort of decision taken that we need to know about? I'm ok either way; however it would be nice to know if we're going to get toasted for stuff that used to happen without consequence in the past. Peace.

Yes, having received complaints from several players regarding the general community feeling we are treating some incidents with less flexibility than we might have done a few months ago.
+0 / -0
5 years ago
I'm happy to see that Moderators are being more strict with toxic players.

All the trolls should be banned to protect our respectable and fun community of players.
+0 / -0

5 years ago
I don't get the forum ban either, and lobby ban (3 days?! For that?) seems excessive.
Yes, Firepluk sometimes flames a bit much but I don't get why ppl take that so serious, mostly hes saying pretty tame stuff ("lob lob" "gg" when I'm rushing mah skuttle :D).
Who the actual fuck takes that serious? Sometimes I wonder how easily triggered ppl really are around here.

You know you can put someone on ignore if they only trashtalk you, don't u?

Also that game was pretty hillarious.
Sometimes ur starting situation is just so horrible, just cant do shit except laugh, say gg and make jokes.

Jasper is, at least from my own experience, generally a pretty chill and very fair player, so idk what this is... a bit too extreme application of that new harsh line against flaming maybe?

Imo in principle this isn't a bad idea but anything can be taken too far.
Whats next, can't make pointer with "wtf" anymore? 7 days mute?
If someone is really continously talking nothing but shit, he will eventually be put on ignore by so many ppl that hes only talking to himself in the end.
+1 / -0
I expect the admin team would be more inclined to review this incident with a view to leniency if it had been initially raised through discord PM and/or admin report, rather than making a circus of it in #zk and on forum in an attempt to "shame" Jasper. That would be a precedent we are in no hurry to encourage, given the prevalence it has already.

I doubt most other players would have received a three-day ban for the behaviour in question. This ban is also related to the context of RUrankFirepluk's mod history and his general attitude towards other players.

I will also point out that given that the reaction of some players in #zk was along the lines of "wow, finally" this is not a universally disliked modaction, whatever the general feeling may seem to be from this thread.

+1 / -0
It's a full ban including IP because he's known to make smurfs. At least he'll have to use a VPN now.

So the site and forum bans are for technical reasons? Due to the difficulty in only IP banning some types of interactions (lobby bans)?
+0 / -0

5 years ago
Having watched the replay:
Given that USrankAdminJasper was the target of the abuse in the game* shouldn't he have recused himself and referred it to someone else? (this is normal moderation policy in most environments I've been in)

* The combined abuse by USranko_o and RUrankFirepluk** would have been enough to substantially upset the vast majority of people, sufficiently so that I wouldn't trust even Spock to be unbiased without a few hours to cool down. And the mere appearance of impropriety is worth avoiding.

* * I doubt either on its own would have been too bad, but in the context of the other? Bad.

I doubt most other players would have received a three-day ban for the behaviour in question. This ban is also related to the context of RUrankFirepluk's mod history and his general attitude towards other players.

Should the penalty notice be updated to state this then?
One of the most important things when in comes to moderation is not confusing users about why actions are taken. For instance, both myself and RUrankFirepluk were confused by the forum ban as it seemed unrelated to the crime. While USrankAdminJasper may not have been in a good state to provide a detailed notice at the time, now that other admins have had a chance to see it I think it would be worth updating. I also think it may be worth referencing the context of RUrankFirepluk's statements, as that's a big part of the reason for the severity of the triggering incident (along with mentioning the longer term behavioural pattern), but might not have been obvious to him.

A good example of a non-confusing notice is the kind given to PLrankCatLady way back when. It stated that it was for a general behavioural pattern and provided specific examples. Additionally, the actions taken (mute and a later lobby ban for mute evasion) were clearly related to the behaviour and thus no further clarification there was needed.
+1 / -0
In an ideal world admins would not be responsible for moderating incidents they were involved in, but (a) sometimes immediate action is called for, (b) sometimes other admins are not online and (c) in some rare cases an incident involves all of the active admins (this particularly tends to happen when somebody takes a swing at zkdev).

Again in an ideal world, perhaps Jasper would have issued an hour ban while seeking a second opinion for the wording and duration of the actual ban. I do not think the final outcome in terms of duration would have changed much if at all.

RUrankFirepluk's penalty notice could be amended but given that the information has now been distributed in one form or another it seems unnecessary to do so now. I find it difficult to believe that after all these years Firepluk is unaware that the mod team's tolerance for his antics is low.

I'm not totally clear on why the forum ban occurred but the mod team does not really enjoy being abused on the forum or elsewhere, and it was fairly predictable that abuse would occur as a result of this ban (in this instance the worst of it occured on Discord, not in this thread).
+0 / -0
So, my 3 day ban has finally elapsed. I won’t whine here about the unjust nature of this ban. I just want to state some facts and attract attention of involved and related parties so everyone could get a clearer picture of what happened and what can be/should be changed in order to prevent such future incidents.

1. Since when do you ban players for days without providing a clear explanation and a chance to appeal/ask reasons through normal channels(on site report button, in-game pm)?

My story: Game just kicked me, I tried to reconnect and it said – cannot reach the server. Chobby didn’t say I’m banned or anything like this. When I tried to go to zero-k.info and see what’s going on I didn’t get much either – it just said I’m IP banned due to I quote “Abusing players and destroying games”. Honestly, I totally forgot about discord for the first minutes after receiving my ban. Haven’t used it in quite a while(months).

I could not use my page, I could not understand the reason of this severe punishment and horrible(?) crimes I’ve commited that deserve such prolonged vacation from my favorite game.

2. Since when do you execute punishments before the crime has ever been commited(3 day forum ban)?

My story: I haven’t violated any forum rules this time, nor even previous time I’ve been banned.
I quite enjoy talking on forums and participating in civilized discussions. Why some random individual can suspend my rights to do so without even having a valid case on his hands?…

3. Since when do you apply prolonged punishments without consult with other moderators over minor misbehaviour when you ARE an involved party.

My story: We’ve had a game on http://zero-k.info/Battles/Detail/718328
I welcome everyone interested to go and check it. I wasn’t even the main heckler here nor I said something so horrific that should have put me at 3 day ban.
USrankAdminJasper just was under some amount of stress this game and instead of proper use of his admin/moderator privileges which is !exit in case of unbalanced game(7v6 that derailed into 7v5 right from the start) he used it for banning one of parties that contributed to it(by his opinion). Immediately after this game was over Jasper went to his “admin console” and banned me right away.

There is also a part about my rant on #zk towards Jasper… I’m aware this was counter productive and kinda was made out of anger towards him. Kinda provoked by not even the ban itself but an inability to get in touch with somebody else and ask for explanation at least…

What is the most disgusting for me in this story that I’ve been coming to zk after quite a long break I took by my own needs(played like maybe ~10 games for 2 weeks in total) and immediately I got penaltied by a prolonged gtfo-style ban from everything-at-once for a slightest misbehavior that hardly warrants an hour of mute…
+0 / -0
5 years ago
RUrankFirepluk please end your pattern of abuse. You often force your team to play in a way that most players do not enjoy. You refuse to play at front and resign at the drop of a hat.

No one cares about your story, we are all too well aware of your story. You release a string of heckling + obscenities against anyone who does not meet your standards. A little self reflection would be welcome, but I fear that you have a fundamentally flawed character. You seem to enjoy causing grief.
+2 / -2