So, my 3 day ban has finally elapsed. I won’t whine here about the unjust nature of this ban. I just want to state some facts and attract attention of involved and related parties so everyone could get a clearer picture of what happened and what can be/should be changed in order to prevent such future incidents.
1. Since when do you ban players for days without providing a clear explanation and a chance to appeal/ask reasons through normal channels(on site report button, in-game pm)?
My story: Game just kicked me, I tried to reconnect and it said – cannot reach the server. Chobby didn’t say I’m banned or anything like this. When I tried to go to and see what’s going on I didn’t get much either – it just said I’m IP banned due to I quote “Abusing players and destroying games”. Honestly, I totally forgot about discord for the first minutes after receiving my ban. Haven’t used it in quite a while(months).
I could not use my page, I could not understand the reason of this severe punishment and horrible(?) crimes I’ve commited that deserve such prolonged vacation from my favorite game.
2. Since when do you execute punishments before the crime has ever been commited(3 day forum ban)?
My story: I haven’t violated any forum rules this time, nor even previous time I’ve been banned.
I quite enjoy talking on forums and participating in civilized discussions. Why some random individual can suspend my rights to do so without even having a valid case on his hands?…
3. Since when do you apply prolonged punishments without consult with other moderators over minor misbehaviour when you ARE an involved party.
My story: We’ve had a game on welcome everyone interested to go and check it. I wasn’t even the main heckler here nor I said something so horrific that should have put me at 3 day ban.

Jasper just was under some amount of stress this game and instead of proper use of his admin/moderator privileges which is !exit in case of unbalanced game(7v6 that derailed into 7v5 right from the start) he used it for banning one of parties that contributed to it(by his opinion). Immediately after this game was over Jasper went to his “admin console” and banned me right away.
There is also a part about my rant on #zk towards Jasper… I’m aware this was counter productive and kinda was made out of anger towards him. Kinda provoked by not even the ban itself but an inability to get in touch with somebody else and ask for explanation at least…
What is the most disgusting for me in this story that I’ve been coming to zk after quite a long break I took by my own needs(played like maybe ~10 games for 2 weeks in total) and immediately I got penaltied by a prolonged gtfo-style ban from everything-at-once for a slightest misbehavior that hardly warrants an hour of mute…