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raising your game

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6 years ago
terraform costs allot of metal but it can be well worth it.

stardust - has some trouble shooting down if raised too high, but raising it just enough to fire over wreaks and other units is worth the cost

aegis - raised aegis survives bombardment far longer and can stop bertha shooting over

outlaw - terra down because then it only has a few weaknesses to units like impaler

faraday - raised faraday are good riot/aa but i find the front-lines are always under heavy arty fire. i mostly use because they can kill balls of ravens

most players know that some things like raised desolator or raised crab are a 'must' because they gain range and can target better.

i would like to see more experimentation.. some things like raised lance are cool.. but who has tried raised claymores or lobsters
+3 / -0

6 years ago
Raising lance wont help range (laser weapon), maybe raising a little will help shoot over things.

Raising a pillager or firewalker actually gives them alot more range too, but they will easily die (Impaler\bomber).

Also buoy seem to gain a stupid amount of extra range from being up high
+1 / -0

6 years ago
Burying things can help structures\units protection from artillery and radar.

Things to bury:

Caretakers \ nano
Sneakypete \ Jammer
Aiegis \ Shield
Fusions or singus

I find burying units are not worth it
+1 / -0
6 years ago
a trench of only -10 will stop most tanks but allow bots to pass but tremmor is anti terra
+0 / -0
howto bury money:
burrow non-amphibious assult units for defence! Do this below water line and laugh. also, burrow amphibious assault units underwater into a steep hole.
+0 / -0
6 years ago
I really like terraform.

My go-to tactic is to bury caretakers deep and within range of each other so that they can mutually repair. Then I erect Gauss or Razor on a tall spire in front of the caretaker.

This helps throw a radar shadow behind it and it helps protect against raking artillery fire. Tremor, which is the bane of all things porcy, is resisted to some extent because the gauss itself must die before the terrain is flattened.

The spires I build help channel attackers into columns. If you are clever you will build a few Stardust in the radar shadows. I've had people charge my porc line and blunder straight into the cross fire of several stardust. Metal delivery! Obviously shields are well placed behind spires too.

Normally porc is a good way to lose a game, so I try to be useful with mine.

If you can build it at the halfway mark, you are effectively controlling your half of the map and contesting a slice of the enemy's map. Porc needs to be supplemented with long range units like Cerberus or Tremor or Merlin, otherwise the other guy is just going to break your porc down with the same units.
+2 / -0
My most frequent use of terraform is a VX shot i give my commander when nasty things want to kill it.

Even if the enemy is able to occupy the territory to prevent the commander from unburrowing and escaping, and then to bring something to break into the tomb - their own builders to reverse the terraform, torpedos, bombers - the added survival time pays back on its own for the terraform, delays the enemy progress, and prevents them from reclaiming the boi.

And that's the worst case! Best case, you drive the assassins away and your boi is saved, still generating that delicious +4 metal.
+8 / -0