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Team leaders

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6 years ago

Hello. I'm noob in Zero-K game, but I think many about ideal strategy
in this game.

I'm sorry, but my english is not very good so you may not understand me.

Main topic of this post is around Teams gametype.
I think ideal team is group of specialists each of them is focused on
specific side of team's strategy: economy, frontline holding, air
forces, transporting, etc. The set of specialties is not a topic of
this post. This strategy paradigm applicable with known for me
implemented functions of this game. Yea - I think for good team voice
communication system is required.

The main topic of this post is specific speciality in team: team
leader. I think this speciality is also required for good team. Team
leader's main responsibility is giving orders, but he also have to
have a specific privileges: team leaders can transfer or take control
of units or structures of other player in team without dependence from
approval of the latter player. I think it's good to be implemented of
these team leader's privileges on software level of this game. It also
good to implement votes to elect or discharge team leader.

It is possible that I am not familiar with all features of Zero-K and
may be similarity of the features which I described here is
implemented already.
+0 / -0
6 years ago
I am not familiar with all features of Zero-K and it is possible that
similarity of the features which I described here is implemented already.
+0 / -0

6 years ago
ZK currently provides a feature where you can "merge" players into a "squad" so that they control the same unit set (like Archon Mode in SC2). This way everyone can select and order the units they need. Hold TAB in a multiplayer game, you'll find the buttons to invite others for a merge.

If you would rather people kept their own unit sets, it is possible to make a plugin, where people who have the plugin installed can elect a leader, who can then control unit ownership - some organized clans have historically made such plugins.
+1 / -0
6 years ago

Since you joined our clan 11 hours ago, you probably found the best place for teamwork already.
As you say, voice communitcation is a key element for coordination, which mumble provides.

The problem with specific roles withhin a team is not a new one. And it is proven that people are the very best at something if they always do the same job again and again. But that system is very difficult to implement into Zero-k.

Lets imagine we have the following positions:

In a 4v4, you would be able to stuff every position. But 1 player to hold the front against probably 4 attacking players from your enemy would resume in a relatively short game.
In a 10v10, where you could determine 7 frontplayers, the system could probably work.

So the role-system is highly dependent on the number of players in the game. This would force certain specifique players (Air or Eco) to play another role from time to time, which would go against the rule of always doing the same job.

So this idea is only viable a very small amout of teamgames.


A leader in a team is something that can workout, independent of the number of players. But you must consider that in most games, most of your teammates won't use mumble. Even as the largest and strongest active plan, we most of the time are only 4-5 guys in our team, out of 10. So the leader would only command a very limited amount of the teams ressources.

In mumble clan we have many high ranked players. Therefor in teamgames, we almost certainly have 1-3 noobs which are close to uselessness. With the additional troll that leaves 6 out of 10 players to fight the enemy. So these higher ranked players are forced to take responsibility at the front lines in order to keep their team in the game.
Therefor they often can't go for Air or Eco.

(I'm running out of time... i need to leave xd...)

When you gain more experience you will also realise that only a very limited number of players would be capable to fullfill the role as a leader, since it needs an good overview of the situation and the map. And these are all high ranked players...


So all of these reasons combined make it very hard to use this system with roles.

In mumble, you will realise that the higher ranked players often take the lead by giving advices or coordinating attack/defense. And i think that is as far as it will go. Also mumble is lead in a democratic way, also during battles.
+1 / -0

6 years ago
"build radar!"
+5 / -0
6 years ago

> This would force certain specifique players (Air or Eco) to play another role from time to time, which would go against the rule of always doing the same job.

No. I didn't say about that strategy. Zero-K is kinda of games that try simulate a battle conditions. In those conditions every player have to be ready to any unexpectednesses. Of course the player have to be ready for changing his role once or even more in single game. Moreover in single game team can change his team leader by using a vote system for example. Usually it is not good for team but game situation can demand it.
+0 / -0