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Are juggernauts a waste of metal?

11 posts, 803 views
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6 years ago
I miss the old sumo.
It used to be worth sinking 2k+ metal into building them because they were a core part of the jumpjets army back in the day.
Now I find they aren't that great am I just using them wrong or does everyone feel this way.
Also anyone know why the abilities were changed?
+1 / -0

6 years ago
I also don't really understand how to use them.
Right now I mostly treat them as a beefy utility unit which lets me control engagements more
+0 / -0
6 years ago
They are very stronk if used properly, it is the only unit that can kill Crabe-hill in like 3 seconds, also pawns tons of lighter units and can disrupt smaller shieldballs. Add some Jacks and Moderators for more powa, or throw units into your porc line...
IMO the unit is now mostly made to be lulzy, rather than super-OP ;)
+0 / -0
6 years ago
They are extremely strong. You just walk them into range of enemies, grab a few units, and pull them towards you and kill them. If you think you can get a good jump, then do that, and 1 shot most things.
+3 / -0
6 years ago
I agree with Fealthas.

In the hands of a player that knows what they are doing they are terrifying for lighter units to deal with. Ever had a Jugglenaut jump into the middle of your shield ball and start tossing units around? I have and it can destroy thousands of metal worth of units in the blink of an eye.

There's also a pull / push move that it can do where it can fling units right out of the map. I've had my comm 1 shotted a few times by such BS. Another useful thing it does is act as a damage sink for smaller units to hide behind. A sumo can take bites out of the enemy and then retreat to heal up, and repeat the process.

They are, however, tricky to use and it takes practise. I'm still learning.
+2 / -0
6 years ago
Ok, interesting I will have to try them against the AI. See exactly how they work.
+0 / -0
6 years ago
I built one once and it didnt seem to do anything just stood there firing two 0dmg beams at a unit.
+0 / -0

6 years ago
I rate them at very strong, and moderately fiddly. They take a while to learn how to use.
+0 / -0

6 years ago
weak, niche.

their HP/cost is worse than jack's.

they cost slightly more than 2 jacks + 2 pyros and a bit less than 3 jacks, which are more maneuverable and 50% faster, and can demolish a small base by themselves..

+0 / -0
Most versatile unit IMO. Beats everything but the highest tier of skirms. Their main weakness is not being able to afford enough to cover the whole front, due to their high weight and low speed.
+0 / -0
6 years ago
Most versatile? It can not remove porc. (turrets)

But you can forget using sub-500 metal units against non-emp'd Jugglenaut, unless its microed glaives avoiding its jump.

disrupt smaller shieldballs.

the secret ingredient is racketeers

I built one once and it didnt seem to do anything just stood there firing two 0dmg beams at a unit.

GBrankehtomlol Press O to toggle push/pull
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