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Scythes are OP

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smaller decloak radius than melee range, spammable, no weaknesses (other than early glaivespam ofc)

maybe if they were detectable with something else than spamming glaives/lightning tanks all over the map (everything else is too slow)

or have you maybe thought about not giving cloakbot factory all the best units in the game?
+0 / -5
6 years ago
Its not that overpowered i mean you can literally kill a scythe easily if you scout the map.
+1 / -0
6 years ago
i kinda agree regarding 3 scyth killing coms..its not very hard and it makes cost fast.. in a teamgame expanding is so fast that you can almost always get a com kill.. but its not alone in being op.. lots of options to kill coms.. like pesky spy or bombers
+0 / -0
6 years ago
im going to be frank here, i dont think your understanding of the game is deep enough to call things OP and UP with any accuracy.
I think this is more about some game you played where someone wrecked you with scythe. next time get lots of cheap chaff units on patrol everywhere.
+2 / -0

6 years ago
It's not that OP especially after coms were made more fat by default(year or so ago)
I simple flea screen with decent air in team(a requirement for successful team game) is enough to stop scythes...
+1 / -0
6 years ago
One game, the enemy had 8 scythes failing to kill my commander.

I only had a Pitbull and an LLT nearby, the LLT was killed.
+1 / -0
6 years ago
Scythes are perfectly balanced and a vital unit to the game.

They punish reckless commanders and they punish guys that think they can built Singus and Fusions without a single guard.

250 is a high cost for a melee unit, so it's not as if you will see them early on in crazy numbers.
+0 / -0
If you truly fear that Scythes are OP, you're going the wrong way about it.

The best way is to use Scythes every game. This accomplishes at least one of a few things.

If Scythes are OP:

- You start to win games, a lot. Other people start to see your point and the volume of complaints increases forcing action to be taken with regards to balance.
- Your now higher rank due to winning games with dirty Scythes will give you more credit when making balance suggestions, you will be taken more seriously and not seen as a newbie who can't deal with a certain unit.

If Scythe aren't really that OP:

- you learn how to deal with them and see other players ways of dealing with them, and how effective each method is. You become an expert at both using and countering the unit which you are currently clearly struggling with.
+16 / -0

6 years ago
^ a generic version of this post should be stickied
+3 / -0
i kinda agree regarding 3 scyth killing coms..its not very hard and it makes cost fast.. in a teamgame expanding is so fast that you can almost always get a com kill.. but its not alone in being op.. lots of options to kill coms.. like pesky spy or bombers

You thought this was bad, imagine being here 2 years ago during the height of the scythe spam craze. You would know absolute terror then.

PS: I can do the same with 2 scythes. Beware. :P
+0 / -0

6 years ago
I have a follow up question about your statement GBrankPRO_rANDY. What do you do when you think a unit us UP aka Under Powered?
+0 / -0
With UP units there's not much to do but simply not use them. However, I find in ZK nearly every unit has a use in certain situations, some of those situations are just much more rare than others. For some units to have niche roles that don't come up often is fine.
+2 / -0