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Design suggestions

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6 years ago
Precision bombers.
1)This unit is clunky to use and is an anti fun unit. It does not allow much micro both from the player using it and the one its being used on.
Maybe make the bomb drop slower so the one using the bomber would ned to predict the movment of the enemy.
Maybe make the bomber not dive in and balance accordingly cause all sorts of land units wont be able to hit it.

2)energy grind and energy lines.
ZK needs a snapping energy widget to avoid making players use z and x. z and x are clunky because somtimes you wanna make a line of buildigns without spaces and sometiems you wanna make them with as much space as possible as long as theyare still energy-connected.
This widget should allow you to select an energy building then press on or near a mex and stretch it to another mex and it should then create a line of the building yo selected with as little individual buildings as possbile as long as the yare still conneced to each other.
Of course X and Z are also problematic because its yet another key shortcut a player has to know and remember and because witout it newbies get a huge disadvantage. Players are also no familiar with spacing done like that form other games making egeting aquainted with it even more difficult.
In short the current stuation is bad for veterna and newbie players alike and adds nothing but more tedious tinkering.

3)commander upgrades.
I am not familiar with ZK's timeline but I rememebr a time when ZK had regular unit upgrades.
To me it seems like the commander upgrades are a relic from that time.
It feels like it doesnt belong, especially in competetive games. I think it should be redesigned to not force players to pick upgrades this way using the AI but rather have the com be upgraded in some other way. This complex upgrading system also makes it much harder to see what exctly the enemy com has upgraded. I think it should be streamlined, simplified in variety but not in the coplexity of the usage and mechanics. So stream line the mechanics of the upgrading itself but make sure then the upgrades it does do are mechanicslly interesting and allow a lot of optimisation through corect usage.
+2 / -0

6 years ago
I think you’re a few years late with this, the decisions were made and the game released!
+0 / -1
6 years ago
I believe the Z X thing is an engine thing, outside of what our devs can do.
+0 / -0

6 years ago
This complex upgrading system also makes it much harder to see what exctly the enemy com has upgraded.

Hold space and click on enemy commander.
You can now see all of its upgrades. Enjoy.
+0 / -0