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New U.I. Suggestion: Hot Select for units

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6 years ago
I'm a long time Planetary Annihilation: Titans player and have just recently jumped on the Zero-K zeitgeist following the Steam release. One of the main draws for both of these games is the level of customization for User Interface. PA even allows for modding of UI, which allows players to assemble their UI through modular additions. Of these UI Mods for PA, probably the most popular is HotBuild2. Hotbuild2 for PA contains a feature that I relied on heavily to control my army in that game, and so far this feature is not represented in Zero-K.

I suggest having the ability to select or de-select a unit type by using Hotkeys. Lets call it Hot Select. Ideally it should be the same hotkey that is used to create the unit at a factory, for consistency.

For example: in PA I would select my bombers by first pressing "Select All Air Units" and then pressing R to narrow my selection to ONLY bombers. Likewise, I could select my Fighter jets by pressing "Select All Air Units" and then press E. This made it extremely easy to micro my airforce as I could very quickly move my bombers and fighters independently to avoid AA or engage the enemy bombers. I could also deselect a unit type after pressing "Select All Air Units" by using the CTRL modifier. This is far more efficient than using CTRL groups or ALT CTRL groups. Hot select allows your micro to play out like this: Draw a box around your army, press a key to select artillery, then click to position your artillery. Draw another box, Press a key to select stealth units, then click to send them to a specific target. This provides a LOT of fine control over your army with very few key presses or having to reconfigure your CTRL groups mid-battle.

If you are having trouble visualizing it, here's a Youtube video introducing HotBuild2 to Plannetary Annihilation. Jump to around 2:45 to see the settings screen where units can be assigned to keys.

So, as a new player to this game, what would it take to implement this feature for Zero-K? Could we use the Windows Key as a new modifier for Hot Selecting units? Let me know if you would also be interested in this UI feature. I would appreciate if someone who knows the game better could describe the benefits or drawbacks of what I'm describing and how difficult it would be to implement. Thanks!

+4 / -0

6 years ago
I bet theres some way to set this up. This game started off being crazy customizable with lots of widgets and personalized keybinds/selection keys. I think somewhere along the line they decided to make it more uniform and harder to personalize because too confusing and lot of bugs etc.

If you look in your Zero-K folder there is LuaUI > Configs > ZKKeys.lua - you can open this with text editor and youll see lines like

"AllMap+_Not_Builder_Not_Building_Not_Transport_Aircraft_Radar+_ClearSelection_SelectAll+", "ctrl+s"}, "

Which is some really specific way of setting up selection keybinds. You might be able to edit this document if you get someone to explain what sort of keybinds you want setting up and how to do it.
+3 / -0

6 years ago
I like the sound of it. Spring games in general have pretty complex and deep unit selection tools, but I haven't seen anything quite like this. I'm not as familiar as I'd like to be with the ingame widgets and gadgets, but I can't imagine it would be that hard to do. ALT CTRL groups are nice, but it would be nice to hotkey selection/deselection from an existing selection.
+0 / -0
Made a ticket for the selection suggestion https://github.com/ZeroK-RTS/Zero-K/issues/3008

The buiding suggestion already exists but requires editing the keybinds file manually (since if you bind a few things to the same key through the ingame UI it clears the others).
+0 / -0
Read this section: https://springrts.com/wiki/Uikeys.txt#selections

Do not implement the selection keys verbatim, as the hotkey system presented on the Spring wiki is outdated. Instead, open LuaUI/Config/zk_keys.lua and add lines. There are already some selection keys in the hotkeys file around line 150. See how far you get, although I think this system may be somewhat limited in the categories that it can access. We could possibly add some nicer categories or it may be easier to write a widget. https://zero-k.info/mediawiki/index.php?title=Mod_Creation#Widgets

We could likely make unit selection keys configurable through the hotkeys menu. This would require some hax similar to the grid hotkey settings in order to make the same key select multiple unit types simultaneously. Alternately, each action could select all units with a hotkey identical to that action.
+1 / -0

6 years ago
Alt-number causes all new units of the same type that are in your selection to be auto-added to that number group.
Ctrl-Z selects all the units of the same type that you have selected.

So, one way to implement (kind of) what you wanted:

-assign different unit types to different numbers, or several to one (for example fighters and bombers to Alt-5).
Now you can press 5 to select all of these aircraft, click the bomber in the selection box at the bottom of the screen, and press ctrl-z to select all bombers.

+0 / -0

6 years ago
You can also shift-click in the unit list window to select all of this type within current selection.
+0 / -0

6 years ago
EErankAdminAnarchid Cool, I didn't know that! right-clicking deselects a unit. Can I shift-right-click to deselect a type?
+0 / -0

6 years ago
No idea, try it? :P
+0 / -0

6 years ago
Tried, Works!
So if you have a selection, you can shift-rightclick a unit picture in the unit selection box at the bottom of the screen to remove that unit type from the selection, or shift-leftclick to select only that unit type.
+0 / -0

6 years ago
Yes, you can currently click into the unit list window to select/deselect units. However, having to manually mouse over to click buttons in the UI is very inefficient. Also, it means that you can not build a muscle memory and teach yourself the hand movements to select the units you want to command. I'm always striving to have a control scheme that I don't have to consciously think about while I play, and for that I need Hotkeys for my unit selection. Since making this thread, I've also been considering the amount of control that the combination of ALT CTRL Groups and Hotkey Selections would give you when used in tandem. It seems very powerful to select any unit on the field within 2 button presses. Until that is possible I'll have to settle for shift clicking into the unit list window. Thanks for the work around though!
+0 / -0