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Spicing up Blastwing

7 posts, 243 views
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6 years ago
What if Blastwing had some combination of below :
  • d-gun to self destruct
  • 0.2 sec kamikaze booster Swift style before self destruct
  • fired a shotgun round together with its self destruction to simulate high velocity shrapnel
  • fired napalm rounds Firewalker style upon death to make aiming napalm a bit easier
  • if any of the firing rounds changes - make burn effect much weaker (wear off almost instantly) when not standing directly on napalm.

Right now Blastwing rivals skuttle for being the worst self destruct unit, being usable only early game to kill some mex or maybe Glavies or Fleas, while being the easiest to counter as its targetted by all long range aa.

+0 / -0
6 years ago
The biggest issue with them is that swarms of them just blow each-other up.
They should really having immunity to damage from their friends.
This makes them unusable - a few just get cleaned up by offenders, a swarm gets cleaned by by its friends(and 1 offender missile).
+0 / -0

6 years ago
I dont mind them so much as you can use them as a quick response to a ball of raiders as well, however they are a bit slow at changing their momentum and they can easily miss the center of such a ball, that may be intended.
+0 / -0

6 years ago
  • Shotguns tend to make Blastwing great against factories and not much else.
  • Speed boost may make them hard to control, and sounds like extra UI to manage.
I like how Blastwing is currently fairly easy to use. No weapon targeting is required. No special boosts need to be managed. They work entirely on move orders.
+0 / -0
Actually the main idea is to make them conserve momentum. Make that their blast travels short distance when moving.

D gun for self destruct just makes it easier than pressing ctrl alt d, like roach does.

~ My apologies, I've checked today and its not how I remembered - Blastwings already have button to self destruct. Other suggestions still stand as interesting ideas for me.
+0 / -0

6 years ago
proove me skuttle is bad -.-
+1 / -0

6 years ago
DErankAdminmojjj I cannot prove it in definite sense, but I can describe my experience (maybe a bit outdated at this moment). In my experience most of Skuttle attempts end with disappointment, not making cost at all. All I've seen it sometimes succeeding at is sneaky killing a factory or a troll com. Ah it's also quite good at killing Krows. For similar price (~720 vs ~550 of skuttle) I'd 99% of the time prefer to have an Eraser and a Roach. Its blast radius is so small that when its usually killed mid air it barely scratches a surface. Roach has much bigger effective explosion radius despite dealing less damage in center.

I don't think Skuttle should be very easy to use or earn its cost most of the time, as it would be pretty oppressive. At this moment its effective usage space is so narrow I haven't seen the Skuttle being built in ~30 games, while I've seen most of the units. Also, in how many situations would you prefer in team game to have Skuttle instead Sniper(Spectre?)? Sorry if I confused few units names, they changed a lot since I was last playing regularly.
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