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Better descriptions for maps

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7 years ago
Hi all,
I have spare time but no experience with programming but I can provide details on maps.

One thing i have noticed is when my family plays we have to pick 2-3 maps before we find one that actually works for our team configuration / Number of players.

Is there any way I can populate this information on maps and then have that ported at some far distant point into the game so that its easier to find the right map for each game?
+0 / -0
There is already an algorithm to find fitting maps for 1v1, Teams, FFA and Chickens game modes. This only works if one of those game modes is selected for the room, for example via the lobby command:
!type 1v1

I have made an attempt to detect what mode you are playing automatically. Using this, the automatic map selection should be improved:
+1 / -0