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Factory Buildlist Order

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13 years ago
The factory buildlists have very little consistent ordering and I would like to do something about it. Is the tradeoff between familiarity and a potentially better system worthwhile? What is a good buildlist order?

The current setup is a result of various rules that almost always have an exception somewhere. I have found 2 main rules without exceptions:
  • Constructor is in the first spot.
  • The cheapest scout/raider is in the second spot.
These are good rules to keep.

Beyond that the current system is more of a series of guidlines:
  • AA tends to be at the end of the list.
  • Unarmed/special stuff is at the very end.
  • Arty is at the end before AA.
  • Everything else is before and unit cost tends to increase.
These rules are all violated many times. It is also hard to decide what a special unit is.
+0 / -0
13 years ago
I think it should be ordered by frequency (eg builder is a must), cost and class (role, the "guidline" thing you mentioned).

Frequency means Builder-Scout-Raider.
Cost usually means something like Scout-Raider-Riot-Assault/Skirmisher.
Class usually means something like Arti and AA at the end. (in fact similar to frequency).

Sorting units by role is probably the least logical way, but can help new players find what they need.
+0 / -0
Con, AA, Scout, Raider, Riot, Assault, Skirmish, Arty, Support(Bombs,Cloak,Shield)

The reason for AA after the con is, that it is the only unit which interacts with air - it is important (against 2 factories) and should not get forgotten.

After that, order units by range.

Bombs should be behind arty, because it need skill to use them.
Same for Cloak and shield.

BTW : Gunships and Planes are good as they are.
+0 / -0
13 years ago
I think skasi had it close.

+0 / -0

13 years ago
I'd prefer Con-Scout-Raider-skrimish-Riot-Assault-Artillery-AA because skirmishers are usually cheaper than Riot. So I will update them with this scheme.

Yes Planes and Gunships are fine. They have roles of their own.
+0 / -0
I'd really like to leave skirm-assault-riot order up to unit cost ordering.

Nevermind I got over it.
+0 / -0
13 years ago
Scout < Raider < Riot < Assault < Skirmish < Arty

I prefer to order the roles as much as possible to counter mechanisms
+0 / -0

13 years ago
I've done Con, Armed Scout, Raider, Skirm, (Assault & Riot), Arty, AA, special

Assault and riot are ordered on cost because I think it looks better that way.

It is not clear where some roles go so I left them as is. I called Venom raider due to speed and because it is useful at the very start of a game. Scythe is raider. Spy is special. Puppy is raider.
+0 / -0
You evil guy will indirectly ressurect the "Spiders have no cheap riot unit"-Thread :P

I will laugh as it happens :D
+0 / -0

13 years ago
I'd go Con, Cost-ordered, AA.

'Special' can be cost ordered too. Clogger first is fine. Slasher between Dart and Scorcher is fine. Cost is pretty important to visualize and this helps keep it in mind.
+0 / -0
That's reasonable too if you can stick to it. Although I would do a less extreme version:

Con, Cost, Arty, AA, Special, Unarmed.

Special is a funny category basically consisting of the unspammable one shot type things. Roach, Tick, Spy and Skuttle.

Feel free to implement this, it is very easy to change.
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