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Drunken licho pilots?

13 posts, 1854 views
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13 years ago
For some reason , maybe bug , maybe not , licho misses support comm. Rocket flyes over comm's head and starts making circles in the air.
Happened twice here:http://zero-k.info/Battles/Detail/7796 at the ending part.

+0 / -0
13 years ago
Hapened to me right now. The second shot however hit but the com was hiding under water. I don't know if it's a bug or normal. Seems normal to me. After all even the precision bomber misses about 30% of his shots or more.
+0 / -0
13 years ago
I saw those misses too same thing sometimes happens in TA, maybe in BA, i used licho to launch com into enemy base :D
+0 / -0
13 years ago
What about precision bombers? They misses like 30% of the time vs coms. I said "they shouldn't be called precision bombers if they miss so much" and context said "precision is different from accuracy". Basically if a bomber target something and hit 100% of his shots at the same spot, regarless if it is on the target or not, it's called 100% precise. To be 100% accurate it must hit the target and be 100% precise. So you would expect "precision bombers" to be 100% precise or close to it... but they aren't. If they are 100% precise and miss 1 shot, then they should miss the target 100% of times, which doesn't occur. And if they hit the target, then they should hit the target 100% of times which doesn't occur.

+0 / -0
13 years ago
It hits precissely moving in same way or static things. If u try avoid those bombers u get those 30% misses. And it looks perfectly fine to me( ~50% my com dies because ot those bombers :( )
+0 / -0
13 years ago
Avoiding presice bombers is FINE, but avoiding nuclear missul is just redicilous. Licho's missle must not fly back in air if miss , it must hit ground. So if you ninja-moved your comm you will get just some% of damage due to distance from explosion center. Licho is not presice bomber. Licho is god damm teh tacnuke.
+0 / -0
13 years ago
Anyway licho is op. So serves it well. To build 3 hacksaws of 900m and have small protected blob is ridiculous.
+0 / -0
13 years ago
Licho costs 2000. 1000 in chainsaw beats it (in cause defended object is near chainsaw)
1000m in fighters beat it.
1000m in shields beat it.
+0 / -0
13 years ago
Chainsaw really dont beat it. I m not even sure about two chainsaws. Yes there is two ways to defend build shields or spam hacksaws. I had more than 3000 m (checked after they bombed) aa in spiders and two licho attacked and one licho still got away. Hacksaws are just uselesss against them, considering theyr mobility. You can kill one licho. Other time they wont fly into those hacksaws coz it is very small blob and they can just choose other targets or just send some cheap crap and then again succesful bomb. So at the best case scenario 3 hacksaws beat one licho. Considering how krow is nerfed licho ir really op.
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13 years ago
Im using 2 hacksaws/licho usually kills it.
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13 years ago
2 hacksaws dont kill it. And i learned it hard way.
+0 / -0
13 years ago
Well , ok.

NOW Licho is OP.
1 Licho kills team. It's AoE bot buffed like x2 , nerf!

+0 / -0
13 years ago
Stating obvious?
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