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Player control? Need bot markers

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What is the best thing to do against resign? Playing trollcom? Giving up very early?


playing next match helps


I would think it is best idea to give such players a bot mark. So players do not feel offended about random resign votes or resigning

sometimes bots can play:

here they shrink some heavy unit rushers
+0 / -0

7 years ago
Oh. Should bots speak?

+0 / -0

7 years ago
In this game firepluk was in 4 player team in which one did literally nothing all game building stuff in his base and second nearly nothing, that means he suicided some units to enemy and then started building stuff in his base.
+1 / -0
Not using matchmaking means you have to dump elo because you otherwise get a team full of players that'd be better off afking than playing. In FFA it's the best strategy to rush the strongest player because all other people most likely don't know how to play (FFA) at all. In 1v1 you'll get slaughtered all day because you will be matched with a top 10 player. Don't expect communication in any game mode, chat is exclusively for lobspeak.

Instead of wasting time complaining about these things, why not go ahead and concentrate on advertisement to actually improve the situation. Even the most badly made pay to win browser game has more of a playerbase than zk, it can't be that hard.
+2 / -0

7 years ago
Yay, make Zero-K a pay to win browser game!
+2 / -0
Browser games are extremely easy and fast to install and begin playing.

Perhaps good advertising is making ZK so. Chobby made epic strides on that front, but there are still issues. Most notably, lack of any proper CDN causing hour-long game archive download, - a CDN which rapid is not because it's mostly just a server, which does not a network make.

Put rapid on the cloud? Can rapid be put on the cloud?
+0 / -0
Why not use github as a content distribution platform?

Shallow clonning of ZK repo only takes couple of minutes, basically same amount of time, if you choose to download zip file.
If git tagging or branching is adopted, instead of legacy $VERSION{v.something} method, then switching between versions of ZK also becomes trivial.

One can even store large maps on github
Apparently I was wrong here
+1 / -0
I think you are saying bs EErankAdminAnarchid.
1) it's not 1h ... do test it, preferably not from Ukraine again
2) there is CDN and we are on it, it's called Steam. How are factories doing?
+0 / -0

7 years ago
standard fresh installation for zero-k on Australian ADSL internet connect take about 1 hour download time include Steam install 5-10 mins faster than site install mostly for automation. last check December 2016
+0 / -0