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Astral Valley v1.0 Supported

By by Sortale and aeonios.

A sandy valley between two metallic mountains. (1v1, small teams)
Size: 16 x 8


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8 years ago
Supported, base is mex heavy and texture blending could use some work.
+0 / -0

8 years ago
How is this map asymmetrical?
+1 / -0
ohh nice gotta test my own creation out
+1 / -0

7 years ago
Needs testing.
+0 / -0

7 years ago
The terrain is hard to see and it is hard to see what can go where.
+0 / -0

7 years ago
The bumps in the middle are a cool idea but in practice they may just make pathfinding unpredictable.
+0 / -0

7 years ago
uhm what would you mean by hard to see? AUrankAdminGoogleFrog
+0 / -0

7 years ago
Mostly, the difficulty is in predicting which route a unit will take when you give the ordered destination. With the intense raider fights that break out early due to KotH reclaim mode, it can have a big effect on battle outcomes. A raider deciding to take a more efficient but unintended route might walk into the range of opposing forces etc., and that can be game breaking when the stakes are so high.

Either that or there's unpathable hills for hover that aren't obvious.

The map is interesting though. It felt a bit different to other maps on ladder and that's a good thing.
+0 / -0

7 years ago
The consequences of the terrain are hard to see. It is hard to see where vehicles can path. It is hard to see the relative slopes of the hills. It looks like bots should be able to path everywhere but there are actually some spots along cliffs that are impassible.
+0 / -0
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