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how terraform building?

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8 years ago

iam a beginner, my Name is Xivender.
I have a question.

I've heard that it should be possible to build a building to "terraform".

It will probably work if you select a building and then press the left mouse button.

But unfortunately it does not work.

Who can help a noob?
+8 / -0

8 years ago
I am noob too. In my first battle I noticed I can't autoterraform buildings by dragging mouse, while in earlier battles I could. Help please, this is confusing.

(who broke it?)
+2 / -0

8 years ago
Select building, then hit 'b'. TF on mouse hold was removed due to being unreliable and confusing.
+5 / -0

8 years ago

Pressing and holding the left mouse button does not let you place structures and is too easy to accidentally discover (in a bad way). It's now an option.
+2 / -2

8 years ago
I didn't understad in that video how to regulate terraform size. I see that ypou select building and press b to start terraform. And after? I see that there is v and c. But when i tried to use thos method i couldnt regulate terraform.
+2 / -0
8 years ago
i liked the old terraform...
is there still widget to do this?
+2 / -0

8 years ago
The option to go back to the hold-to-terraform behaviour is Settings/Interface/Building Placement/Hold Mouse To Terraform Structures.
+1 / -0
8 years ago
+0 / -0

8 years ago
funny i discovered auto-terraformed 2 months ago only. So "easy to discover", not really!
+0 / -0
But this B option is not visible for the noobs?

EDIT: just like ctrl-shift to build 4 solars per mexes. I learned it today. How can a nub know??
+4 / -0

8 years ago
The mouse terraform starts with permanent positive offset currently (first thing you build after game starts)? Can you confirm this behaviour?
+0 / -0

8 years ago
But this B option is not visible for the noobs?

EDIT: just like ctrl-shift to build 4 solars per mexes. I learned it today. How can a nub know??

Newb cant know. Even i after 3,3k games didn't know about such terraform ability and even less about 4 solars about mex. Newbs also don't know about widgets and many other things.

In summary this game isn't for standard newbs. We need better newbs.
+4 / -0
8 years ago
We need better newbs.

We actually need newbs first, so steamrelease! Steamrelease!

Googlefrog, how do you make a terraform the exact sizs you need? e.g building a Stardust and want to terraform it but get the terraform exactly right?
+1 / -0

8 years ago
So here's an idea. Why not use modifier + mouse wheel for this?

1. Pick what you want to build through the build menu as usual.
2. Shift + mouse wheel to determine elevation.
3. Click or shift-click to build as many objects as you want on that elevation.

It's (relatively) easy to discover while unlikely to be discovered by accident, which was the problem with the original implementation. It doesn't require any complicated keybindings.
+1 / -0

8 years ago
All it takes is for someone to have a good idea: https://github.com/ZeroK-RTS/Zero-K/commit/def42dd0589cb959a4858fca3e52dbdbdefef39c

Also, I renabled hold to set height at Lichos request. The behaviour that was trapping new players seems to have been fixed.
+1 / -0

8 years ago
+6 / -0