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The door is almost closed

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Considering all of the shit you have to do just to publish your game on steam, it will likely take you nearly a week just to get the materials together and built. I suggest you get a move on before you lose your chance entirely.


The steam process is NOT easy. Even once you have your shit on the store it's extremely cumbersome. I sincerely hope that you guys have properly researched the partner side of it, cause if you haven't, you're in for an extremely rude awakening.
+3 / -0

7 years ago
My understanding was that they were not going to kick out already Greenlit games. In fact, their own post on the issue suggested that while Direct is still not active, applying to Greenlight is the appropriate course of action. This would be extremely nasty of them to suggest if they were then planning to kill anything Greenlit in the interim.
+4 / -0
ZK was greenlit eons ago with no real activity (from steam's perspective). ZK will generate 0 revenue for steam. It is cause for concern, as any game that isn't already published (zk is greenlit, not published) might have their greenlit status canceled. Especially one that was greenlit years ago yet the developers seemingly never did anything with that status.
+2 / -0

7 years ago
A rushed release can only damage ZK's reputation permanently. In case Greenlight is completely closed by the time ZK is ready, Steam Direct can still be used, and I'm sure funds can be gathered for it.
+6 / -0

7 years ago
That depends. If it's only $100 then sure, but if it's $5000 forget it. It sounds a lot like steam is looking to drop support for open source and anyone else they can't exploit a fortune out of.
+0 / -0

7 years ago

This would be extremely nasty of them to suggest if they were then planning to kill anything Greenlit in the interim.

What is nasty is to suggest they can kill a game. (This is like The Donald saying that some dept store is attacking his daughter just because they no longer want to sell/promote her stuff... see the analogy?)

As it seems, it's just the competitive advantage of being greenlit that will die... zk will of course continue to exist (subsist?) forever, thanks to its die-hard community!

And regarding wasted money...

The fee is up in the air, with Valve mooting figures between $100 and $5,000, while it promises the paperwork will be no more complex than applying for a bank account.

In case Greenlight is completely closed by the time ZK is ready, Steam Direct can still be used, and I'm sure funds can be gathered for it.

It is a non-problem: everyone who strongly believe that The Event Will Come ought to pay 10% of their income to ZK for their own salvation. Many successful human projects finance themselves in that way (success being defined as the perpetuation of hope, rather than delivering anything promised).

When I think of it, asylum is the place where reality-check threads have been tucked away. That's ZK's implementation of beheading for blasphemy.

Come on, minions, downvote me!
+3 / -0

7 years ago
Man, I do not know what you will be writing about if ZK gets on Steam...
+0 / -0

7 years ago
Pull Requests, obviously.
+4 / -0
7 years ago
Dang. BRrank[V]sheep actually writing something I can get behind (mostly). What has the world come to...

ZK could always make a kickstarter for the purpose of paying the Steam Direct fee if it happens be too high to be paid from donations.

Come on, minions, downvote me!

I will upvote you as a reward for not being hateful towards anybody :)
+2 / -0

7 years ago
Not sure if the door is closed, but we should definitely hussle before the the technology ZK is built on becomes even more antique!
+0 / -0
Have you seen the latest map upgrades though? Or did you know that Spring now has a 64bit test version. Or all of the new optimizations in the engine.
If anything ZK is catching up atm (albeit very veeeery slowly).
+1 / -0

7 years ago
Man, I do not know what you will be writing about if ZK gets on Steam...

I like that "if". That's what the community needs... a more open mind about possibilities.

No need to bother with that now. Either this future happens and you'll see, or it doesn't and it's a waste of time.

Pull Requests, obviously.

Of course, that's the only thing needed.
+1 / -0

7 years ago
AFAIK kickstarter is supposed to be an investment medium on which some form of returns are expected to be paid. As a non-profit open-source game I would expect ZK to be categorically ineligible.
+0 / -0
Yeah except you can get a refund of the submitted Greenlight fee :)
Dammit, knorke smurf removal game is strong!
+1 / -0
7 years ago
Yeah except you can get a refund of the submitted Greenlight fee :)
What does this have to that it will be difficult to run a convincing kickstarter campaign when the last campaign failed so miserably?

"Hello, we are zero-k! Three years ago we wanted to release our mod on steam greenlit but we did not get it into a releasable state before greenlit was closed. Our playerbase and develober count is now even smaller than before. Please give us money for our NEW campaign."
+0 / -0
7 years ago
ZK could always make a kickstarter for the purpose of paying the Steam Direct fee if it happens be too high to be paid from donations.
good idea.
and also have an email newsletter where donators can sign up, because if it takes another three years than maybe kickstarter will not exist anymore either.
+0 / -0
Christ, I just wanted to draw attention it. I'm sorry for having fed knorke's relentless barrages of archivist rageflames. At least he's here instead of on the spring forums.
+5 / -0
7 years ago
Well thanks Forb. That is trully considerate of you :)

But really. Can you take him with you? That would be nice.
+1 / -0

7 years ago
I'd love to see what knorke has to say on the subject.

Dang. [V]sheep actually writing something I can get behind (mostly). What has the world come to...

It's true, what the world has come to...
But in that particular case, I'll posit that you are a few years older (me too, but it's not really relevant at this point), disillusioned, wiser. Maybe you now agree with what I was saying before... scary! Or maybe you are just trolling me...

Or did you know that Spring now has a 64bit test version. Or all of the new optimizations in the engine.

It has been decided some time ago that people who like large games deserve to be bullied as clusterfuck players. 1v1 is for True Players, the only players who deserve respect.

I fail to see how a 64-bit version is required for a few units in a 1v1 game. Also, I think the probability of large games happening has been largely solved thanks to "efforts"...

Of course a 64-bit spring engine is a Good Thing. But mostly because it can run other games who can/will exploit those capabilities.
+0 / -0
It has been decided some time ago that people who like large games deserve to be bullied as clusterfuck players. 1v1 is for True Players, the only players who deserve respect.

Nothing that can be remotely construed as bullying was made, no "decision" on the deservingness of said bullying or respect was taken, and you made these claims knowing full well you would not be able to provide evidence if asked.
+1 / -0
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