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Suggestion: add dps in weapons description

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13 years ago
When I reached enough points to unlock the desintegrator gun (dgun), I bought it thinking it was the strongest weapon of the game. Its description is something like "a weapon that vaporizes anything in its path", so I thought it was like the dgun in BA/tech ann. However when I was in game I couldn't even kill a sumo in 1 shot and my com cannot even die in 1 shot when it's fully morphed. I was pissed off I had wasted so much points on a crappy weapon.
If there was the damage and damage per second in each weapon description, I think many people wouldn't buy stuff they don't want.

I'm not using the dgun anymore. The heat ray weapon is in fact the weapon with most dps (250 when very close to ennemy I think).
+0 / -0
13 years ago
the game file is a zipped file I looked in there at the different commander weapons and the sunburst did 2400 damage with a reload of 12 second. the D-gun was 1200 with a reload of 12 seconds and a shorter range.
I did noticed a few other differences but nothing that looked like it should change my opinion.
+0 / -0
13 years ago
Agreed about dgun for com it is too weak i had it too. Realoading too slow when hlt dont die in one shot then i say wtf. But if it would be like BA'as such com shouldnt be able to cloak. Only real use for it is to kill other com, because practically u have just one shot before u will die.
+0 / -0
13 years ago
Notice I'm not complaining dgun is too weak. I'm complaining about its description. It clearly states dgun can kill any unit in 1 shot and it is totally false. That's a damn noob trap and I've been trapped for good.

My suggestion to show damage per second in all weapon description sounds very nice to me and wouldn't trap noobs like myself.

I've yet to hear from any dev :)
+0 / -0

13 years ago
>I did noticed a few other differences but nothing that looked like it should change my opinion.
How about noexplode = true?

The description in shop is one of those annoying fluff descriptions so I could change it yeah.
If I add DPS though I'd have to add other values (AoE and range in particular) and it could get bloaty very fast.
+0 / -0
13 years ago
Then remove all description and leave just useful things(copy straight from that gun's script). Aoe, dmg/ reload time, impulse and etc would be much more useful, than "weapon that vaporizes anything it its path".

Need to open config files to just know what this weapon exactly does is a bit wrong.
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