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goal of zero-k?

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8 years ago
should the goal be easy rts with few units?

or impossible hard rts with double the amount of units compared to other rts?
+1 / -0
I'm not certain what do you mean by size. The amount of units on the screen or the unit variety?

Size itself doesn't attribute to a game being harder or not much. For example compared to Starcraft 2, Zero-K is much easier to play and that game has way less units under your command and having less unit options due to having factions.

If you want an "easy" RTS with "few" units I recommend Leauge of Legends :)
(not DoTA2 though because it has some heroes that actually require quite a lot of micromanagment)
+2 / -0

8 years ago
should the goal be easy rts with few units?

or impossible hard rts with double the amount of units compared to other rts?

+11 / -0
Rather complex, yet not overcomplicated, demanding, yet not non-intuitive RTS... I guess...
+2 / -0
anyway, to solve the problem of clusterfcuk games, the playerbase has been shrinked as planned. (also this makes me sad)
+2 / -0

8 years ago
As long as all units have a purpose, I say there can't be too many units. :)
+2 / -0
RTS that's easy to pick up and understand, but that has lots of features for you to see as you play it more.

will easily set you up for 1800 on flat maps. Excluding OD that is. But there's so much more to discover as you go, even just with microing these few units.
+1 / -0
8 years ago
Goal of zero-k from what I understand is to MAKE IT 1 vs 1 BALACED ONLY. Everything else doesn't matter :D
+2 / -4
I think you'd at least need to know what Leveller, Impaler and AA are to reach 1800, though you might not need them all that often.
+0 / -0

8 years ago
The standard catchphrase for this is "easy to learn, hard to master".
+0 / -0
8 years ago
ROrankForever, goal is to attract lobsters/hamsters, so there is not tech tree, no upgrades, no armor (so single pistol can quickly kill heavy tank or grizzly); also there are infinite resources.

There is (are) also some other goal(s), not technical...
+1 / -3

8 years ago
goal is to attract lobsters/hamsters, so there is not tech tree, no upgrades, no armor (so single pistol can quickly kill heavy tank or grizzly); also there are infinite resources.

+0 / -0
8 years ago
RUrankaspc if you are against what Zero-K essentially is I suggest you to move over some other game that satisfies your needs. Like Starcraft 2 for example.
+0 / -0
> should the goal be easy rts with few units?
easy rts with few players

acuelly goal is always resign rush.
1) rush fusion. or rush steam.
2) fail
3) resign
+2 / -0