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zero-k broken

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8 years ago
i had successfully played 3 games yesrerday after lots of attempts.
today i could't even launch one game even solo against a bot. nothing hapens and when i try to relaunch the game it says i am already in it. no wonder why there is so few people playing it with that kind of problem.
+0 / -0
8 years ago
okay so you must do alt+tab to switch to the running game but nothing tells you its there. well whatever, i know how to play now...
+0 / -0
Current ZK lobby, which I recently got rid of, steals first in-game click, so that with that first click you fall through back to the lobby.
Since ZK lobby runs full screen you may get a false sense that the game disapeared or silently crashed, which is not the case.
I consider this a bug, and as workaround you should indeed alt-Tab back to the game.
+1 / -0

8 years ago
The best workaround - do not use ZKL
+2 / -0

8 years ago
I never thought I would say this but I agree with RUrankFirepluk

Have anyone mad a bug report over on Git hub
+0 / -0

8 years ago
Actually, I'm pretty sure the click-grabbing bug is a Spring issue, but I haven't found enough details to make a proper report. I've mostly noticed it when devving. When I alt-tab to Spring from Sublime Text, it usually takes a couple alt-tabs and clicks before I switch to Spring properly (though only one taskbar click to do so), as the first alt-tab+click gets me back to Sublime Text.

RUrankivand: when that click was stolen, was the cursor graphic the standard OS cursor's or the proper in-game cursor's?
+0 / -0
8 years ago
@firepluk: i got along eith ZKL quite well, until the last update.
what do you sugget to replace it?

+1 / -0

8 years ago
chobby or web lobby

+1 / -0
http://weblobby.springrts.com/ works quiet well for me
not without drawbacks, but at least IT WORKS without breaking randomly when some bored develobster commits another portion of shitcode
+1 / -0

8 years ago
RUrankFirepluk despites Linux I tried to carry around some smurfs... weblobby failed hard.
We should wait a bit to let weblobby devs lose deseases of ZKL
+1 / -0