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Why no m fab and assassination victory ruins the whole SupCom concept

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In SupCom, you were able to build a fully stealthed base with t3 gens and mass fabricators while pretending that you are totally underdeveloped t2 or something, then unleash a surprise dunk with a bunch of t3 and experimenal.
In 0K, you are forced to fight for land and my favourite strategies of sneaking about or sitting in a fort are simply and malevolently f*cked.

In SupCom, assassination victory meant you could not afford such a stupidity as losing a com to 2 scythes or making a trollcom delivery and keep playing and wasting even moar metal after begging for a con after a humiliating (ofc you dont even know what humiliating is) wipe, and, ofc, instead of resigning yourself and letting others win, vote for a mass resign.

So, care to post some insane BS "arguments" of why you made this change or you will simply dismiss me with a leveler sidearm and an extremely stoopid pic Chestytard style?
+0 / -5
8 years ago
Because Zero-K isn't SupCom, isn't it obvious?
+2 / -0
I know this one. "It is insane because it isnt sane, obviously."

+0 / -1

8 years ago
Hello, I am the jew in the ZK community, how can I help you?

+3 / -0
8 years ago
After some thought i decided to delete my jew remark because while corruption and jews intersect, they are not entirely the same and exterminating all jews without checking for corruption first is kinda insane as well.
+1 / -0

8 years ago
O, if only everyone were as enlightened as you are.
+4 / -0

8 years ago
+9 / -0
Next ban will be a month. Thank you.
+8 / -0
assassination victory

!setoptions commends=1

(untested, might be bugged - in that case report the issue on github)
+1 / -0
8 years ago
from the times I've played(between user count and difficulties getting spring to co operate,lol) it seems that Zero-K swings strongly between either very spammy or very rushy- either the player who gets a unit to the end wins or a player who build an insane amount of anything.
I've not played Supercom but the playstyles present in it might be different
+0 / -0

8 years ago
While this thread is stupid, I think there is a good point hidden in it.

That is the fact that the full communism change has made it so that individual play style is not possible. No player can eco up and get ahead and surprise others with advanced tech, which is super lame.

Nowadays 1 person sitting back to spam fusions achieves nothing but to fuel his allies boring, wasteful, low-tier spam. If he tries to rush a superweapon he will fail miserably because he will still be on the same income as everybody else and there's nothing he can do to change that aside from the silly caretaker spam tactic.

This is the main reason I don't play team games any more.
+1 / -1
8 years ago
Probably there are many reasons to rather play small teams or 1v1 than big teams if you search for a really high quality strategy.

Actually there are more sneaky tactics in ZK than in SupCom and I like ZK's importance of map control.

Stealth bases would be harder to discover if ZK's maps' metal spot density was lower, which is really a point to improve imo (if not for stealth, but for epicness). Assassination victory would be really cool. But in SupCom coms are op in the early game and in ZK they would be too easy to kill in the late game unless everybody builds trollcoms.
+1 / -0

8 years ago
in all seriousness, if you wish to play a game like SupCom, there is a game out there which will satisfy your desires

I hear it's called SupCom
+9 / -0
8 years ago
I thought zk is more total annihilation than sip on.
+0 / -0
In SupCom, you were able to build a fully stealthed base with t3 gens

+0 / -0
8 years ago
Go back to BA if you wanna sit back and eco for 15 mins while your meatshield at front dies
+2 / -0

8 years ago
Go back to BA if you wanna sit back and eco for 15 mins while your meatshield at front dies

At least end game content in BA actually sees play. You could stealth remove it all from ZK and nobody would even notice.
+0 / -1
um... no?

Games with Bantha/Detriment aren't all that rare.

Zenith/DRP/Starlight don't get seen very often but the wow factor would be cheapened if you got to make one of them regularly. It's not like a Mavor gets made in every game of SupCom.
+1 / -0
8 years ago
Sumcom is stupid. Like 8 minutes in t2 comes out and t1 becomes irrelevant. Then 10 minutes later t3 comes out and t2 is irrelevant. This is extra fun because there are a total of like 4 t3 units, or 6/7 if you count air.
+2 / -0

8 years ago
exactly, its a turtles dream.
+0 / -0