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Pw turns

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12 years ago
Atm 1 turn = 1 battle and you get ships when you play a game. Through this means playing alot of games will get you tons of ships. It will be alot more balanced for everyone if each turn just lasts a fixed amount of time. Nolife farming of ip and ships will be less effective while ppl who can only play a few games can still get ships.

Atm playing alot of pw games means you simply win no matter if you lose more games than other ppl. We saw this pretty much every round where a single extrmely active clan totaly dominated the whole pw game.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
I understand that pw is a campaign-type thing, you must play to conqueer. If you think you should be rewarded for "efficiency" (games won/games played), disregard pw and focus on your ELO rating.

1 turn = 1 battle also means that if nobody play, no turn occurs.
With your proposal, people who are eco-farming (...) but not playing games would not only earn money when other are playing, but would earn money even when nobody is playing.

I see no reason for pw to be related to wall-clock... but I see which kind of "players" would benefit from it and I don't think its a worthy proposal.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
Everyone having the same ship production (except that you can increase it with factories) will make sure that those ppl who can only play a few games per day still have a chance. Not everyone has endless vacation and can play pw forever all day.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
Would you remove limit on ships capacity/player?

no) you are just proposing a way to limit ship production, because every inactive player will max-out his ship capacity then lose additional ships. Playing more would not give you additional attack capacity, but people who just rely on their eco income would be able to buy more IP to get more eco to get more IP...

yes) it means players who idle for 2 month could them come back and bomb just about everything.

Which of these 2 solutions are you advocating for?

As it stands, pw is not focused on players but on clans/factions, so I don't understand your focus on people "who can only play a few games per day". PW is not a personnal quest, its shared with other people, a lot of them. If your faction can never play, either something is wrong with your ability to recruit, or you are not playing on purpose...

If factions were 3-people teams, I'd understand it can happen none of the 3 can play for some time. But faction is 1/5 of PW players...
+0 / -0
12 years ago
Lol this wont fly cause its stupid,
lets give eco whores have a eco victory condition,

Dont try and tell us u deserve more ships for sitting on your arse and bombing us to death by not playing any games
+0 / -0
12 years ago
this things need an edit button
Eco whores already have a Eco victory condition, Where they can do nothing and still win,

before u go endless vaction, dont be jelly cause i can play at work lol
+0 / -0
12 years ago
The big problem is that pw is won all the time just by being active and getting clanstack fucked up balanced games. On top of that you get way more ships than others if you lose you get those ships back within the next hour. Meaning you can attack planets all the time.

Thats why everyone needs to have equal ship production so everyone has equal amount of attacks each day (unless they make factories to raise production).
+0 / -0

12 years ago
I'm more concerned about the fact that ship facs and storages just bleed your money when you're not playing games.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
I will make some smurf accounts and get free ships :D

you are only introducing new problems :P
+0 / -0
12 years ago
Wow Rick! You soon do realize. I have been complaining about all this months ago. I am just so superior, pah.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
Ships being produced always would just change it from activity induced imbalance (which is slight because ships are not produced if they are attacking) to metagame based imbalance - which is exponential and harder to handle.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
What is really imbalance is buying ip.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
jasper just shutup you havent even attacked me in a week....
+0 / -0
12 years ago
Because you will just buy more IP also your the one whos always trolling not me.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
Buying Ip got empire from 75,000 IP all the way up to 195,641 in two or three week over powered you bet and I will not shutup cause the truth hurts.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
I dont even have 75k ip in total....fail...

If you would make starship factory and fleet on every planet you would get:
30 ships extra/turn
90 fleet capacity

After 3 turns you attack me with 90 ships. Those 90 ships alone get 2700 ip in just 3 turns....

Also using them for bombardment will reduce ip to only 35% or original value on a MAXED DEF world...So what where you saying about ip buying being op? Maybe you should build some buildings. Oh and maybe max your mines too?
+0 / -0
12 years ago
1: You only get ships when you play

2: We need credits to porc IP for defence

3: Shipyards cost upkeep and are useless when your not playing

4: We dont have anyone player who controlls all our planets

5: Because you only get ships when you play what your saying take massive and complex organization

6: Your econ is on a run away trajectory

7: We are fight mostly every other faction we need our ships to attack and take planets not bombard porc worlds. PW is about taking planet you know the real game playing etc.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
8: If we dont use our ships to attack we will end up always defending our planets and losing structures every game.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
Jasper it would take only 3 turns to get massive amount of ships but you decided not to develop your worlds. Half of your worlds dont even have lv3 mines...........

Besides you arent fighting me i havent been attacked by cybers for a week or so now.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
no no no look at how many credits we have we are not saving credits.......... Only 4 of our 61 worlds dont have level 4 mines and they need to be repaired they get detroyed in games all the time what are you talking about......

I will not take about this further your just trolling me.
+0 / -0
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