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Screen limited Ctrl-Z

6 posts, 607 views
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9 years ago
It would be cool if there was a hotkey that would act like Ctrl-Z, but only for units appearing on the screen. Together with dynamic zoom this could be used to divide units of the same type into different groups easily.
+0 / -0

9 years ago
This already exists as CTRL+X.
+2 / -0
9 years ago
Open ingame menu, go to:
Game->Selection Hotkeys
"Visible Same" = Ctrl+X

If you want to make more advanced selection-hotkeys, like "Select all visible aircraft" then go to ingame menu:
Check the option
[x] Use uikeys.txt
and read https://springrts.com/wiki/Uikeys.txt
+2 / -0
9 years ago
Double click on selected unit works for me 8D
+2 / -0
9 years ago
has anyone noticed this tends to grab an area somewhat larger than the screen (not the whole map)
+1 / -0

9 years ago
I haven't noticed myself, but AFAICT the engine uses unit midpoints for selection bounds checks, so it may be that, even though the effect should be the opposite.
+0 / -0