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Make Fake Players To Draw Players

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stick the fake players in the all welcome room, give them foreign flags (brazil, antarctica, etc) and myspace-era names, regularly starting games using old replay data for playing a given map, never talking unless saying foreign idioms for "lol noob" "fuck my com died" "help me" "i have no energy", with a hardcoded elo of 1100.

by virtue of having players in the room, more players get drawn in, then the fake players spectate themselves.
+1 / -0

9 years ago
The horrible thing about this is that it may actually work.
+1 / -0
9 years ago
Whats the point of that? If a new player wasn't turned off already by the atypical interface / installation, you feel the empty rooms will?

If anything its pluking that does it. Or that many units have unintuitive counters.
+0 / -0
by virtue of having players in the room, more players get drawn in, then the fake players spectate themselves.
That already exists and it the most annoying thing ever.

There is always players who think it is a great idea if they wait in "Small Teams" or "1v1" room to seed games. The problem is if someone enters to actually play then they suddendly no longer want to play or are afk or have some other reason why not to play now.
If not willing to play they could at least idle as spectator, but for some reason that is impossible to them. And the few who actually want to play suddendly begin that doing totally unfitting mapvotes.
Once I used to be happy if I saw a player in those rooms and hoped for a game. Now I just join, ask "game?" and if no/bad reaction then I do not lose time with debatte/waiting, instead just leave directly to cluster for quick fun or disconnect.
That behaviour has already ruined every version of matchmaking, because you always got opponents who were afk or unwilling to play.

So the only thing this strategy has "seeded" is annoyance.
+4 / -0

9 years ago
DErank[2up]knorke is on point, except I think you should always contact the players directly (by handle so they get a notification) when entering 1v1 rooms as it's likely they're alt-tabbed doing something else while waiting for people to come (speaking from experience).

If there's no people, and you don't want to wait, play with bots, but don't fool the player! QuizUp is an Android app that misrepresents bots as players and I hate that.
+0 / -0
Madison Ivy much?

Edit: I have been reprimanded. Apparently I meant Ashley Madison. My bad.

Edit2: Don't google Madison Ivy at work.
+5 / -0

9 years ago
^ I hate you for making me google that at work.
+5 / -0

9 years ago
The subtle difference between ashley madison, and madison ivy.
+4 / -0
foreign flags (brazil, antarctica, etc)

"pause guys my mouse literally froze"
"fuck theres a penguin pecking me brb"
+9 / -0

9 years ago
It's also funny how he uses "foreign" to mean non-US as if we were all living there.
Filthy Gaijin.
+3 / -0
9 years ago
people will quickly find out the players aren't real and that will tarnish the game's reputation.
+5 / -0
9 years ago
USrankPowerGuy i thought several players were fake until they started posting on the forums.
+1 / -0