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GoGoDancers suggestions oct 11 2015

14 posts, 705 views
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9 years ago
Yo, was thinking of a few suggestions for development of Zero-k.

Suggestion 1: Feature
Hot seat feature.

The ability for a spectator to only view one team's radar/units/general view.
If a player on said team leaves/disconnects/de-syncs. then the hotseated player could join.

This would require a spec to not have already speced any portion of the game as "general".

As a default function of showing nothing till the spec selects (team 1, team 2, all), this could be an interesting function.

Suggestion 2: Balance unit.
Hermit as an assault unit is incredibly powerful and tanky, which is exactly what it should be. Though i have heard some reports that it is stronger than the reaper and goliath Metal for cost vs health /dmg. I would like to see reaper/goliath > hermit in terms of metal cost on flat ground, since hermit has no pathing restriction.
+1 / -0

9 years ago
The hotseating seems like it'd be fun, though it may be too much difficulty to implement for such a relatively small feature.

I don't think hermit is imba. It doesn't need to have worse stats than reaper or goliath, because its role as an assault has it eating damage and necessariliy experiencing attrition. Reaper/goli is designed to not experience attrition, and thus can have more buttery stats. Lower weight units have better stats in general because their usefulness decreases with the amount of firepower on the field. Have you seen the ratios on dirtbag and flea?
+1 / -0

The ability for a spectator to only view one team's radar/units/general view.
If a player on said team leaves/disconnects/de-syncs. then the hotseated player could join.

While a good idea, it is technically difficult to implement. You'd be better off requesting such a feature to the engine devs and not ZK devs.

The hard part of such an idea would be enforcing the "view player" mode in Spring. Or simply tying the playerID to a team but blocking all commands.
+0 / -0
Hot seat feature.

The Teamspec option actually existed but has been removed sometime after the transition from Core/Arm to 1faction.

Though i have heard some reports that it is stronger than the reaper and goliath Metal for cost vs health /dmg

You say that almost as if the unit data is some sort of secret which you can't look up and have to rely on hearsay. If you want to make a point, at least do the fucking research.
+2 / -0

9 years ago
IMO hermit isn't OP. Maybe it have best metal cost per HP but spider factory lacks artillery units. Its very great vs light defense but who likes porc games?
You forgot one thing about reaper/golly and hermit - on flat ground they are faster. Also golly have slow gun.
+0 / -0
Goliath and Reaper may be faster, but they are not more mobile. Hermit can turn very fast (important when dodging reaper shots -- they turn near-instantly!) meanwhile goli/reaper also has larger hitboxes (about 1.5-2x hermit's).

What does that have to do with anything you ask? Hitbox, turnrate/speed of target, and projectile speed all matter when calculating accuracy of a non-guided weapon. Take thug vs hermit for instance. Thug's shield is a big target (thus the accuracy for hermits is near 100% against the shield), thug's weapon is stupidly slow (it's only effective at PB or CQC range) and even then, it's inaccurate as hell with a long reload time. Thus we could say that in theory, thug would suck against hermit. But hermit is a more well-rounded assault that's capable of killing slower raiders easily and thug is strictly an assault you'd use on statics with near-zero change of hitting anything small or fast.

Its very great vs light defense but who likes porc games?

See: PErankatom2 's defender/lotus creep.
+0 / -0
yog doesnt it still exist if you just type /fullspecview 0

having specs as substitutes is actually pretty good idea though and probably not too hard to implement
+0 / -0
Hermit as an assault unit is incredibly powerful and tanky, which is exactly what it should be. Though i have heard some reports that it is stronger than the reaper and goliath Metal for cost vs health /dmg. I would like to see reaper/goliath > hermit in terms of metal cost on flat ground, since hermit has no pathing restriction.

Since when did hermit compare to reaper and golly? Both take it apart with ease, and are way more effective in high density environments (read: team games). They also compare poorly to ravagers and scale worse/are inferior vs statics to Thugs.
+1 / -0
yog doesnt it still exist if you just type /fullspecview 0

It is quite possible that the feature has been implemented in different ways throughout the years.

The one i described had the "Teamspec" and "Coach" roles as factions. As i understand, it has been removed along with the rest of faction system, as the pre-game choice of faction has been removed as a concept. It is quite possible both roles even still exist in code.
+0 / -0

9 years ago
yog doesnt it still exist if you just type /fullspecview 0

having specs as substitutes is actually pretty good idea though and probably not too hard to implement

Yeah /specfullview 0 does what described and moving a spec into a real team is possible, but the problem is that you can't guarantee the spec has always been in the 1-team mode so he might have seen stuff (switches, rushes, etc). IIRC chat and labels are also still visible from both teams.
+0 / -0
First suggestion was already implemented in the past as Team Spectator and I think there was Backup Player option too.
These options were selected the same way you selected Arm/Core faction, and were removed when CA became single-faction ZK.
I wouldn't mind them being reintroduced somehow, but we must find a good place where to put the options, how to integrate into lobby and ingame pregame UI etc.
+0 / -0
Since when did hermit compare to reaper and golly? Both take it apart with ease, and are way more effective in high density environments

Very situational though. Hermit is great on hilly and mediocre on flat. Reaper and Goliath are great on flat but completely worthless on hilly.
+0 / -0
I keep reading the thread title as "gogodancer suggestions act", and each time my brain fills in a new dystopian setting which could originate such.
+3 / -0

9 years ago
Very situational though. Hermit is great on hilly and mediocre on flat. Reaper and Goliath are great on flat but completely worthless on hilly.

Popular map pool is largely flat with perhaps a few cliffs and hills about the map, but yeah.
+0 / -0