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Time to strike empire back?

14 posts, 992 views
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13 years ago
Their power is growing still, have most influence, most planets, most developed infrastructure with highest income..

Its also the only faction that actually has all techs by itself..
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13 years ago
You're the only faction that has no borders with Empire. :)
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13 years ago
So? We can ally to get access
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13 years ago
You gonna ally V?
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13 years ago
cybernetics just needs 2 more artifacts to win.
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13 years ago
Yes, cybers are probably closest to victory of all factions, but Empire is by faaaaar the srongest.
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13 years ago
cybernetics has 6 tech, tec bar is broken,
Empire is actual closer to tech vicotry bar artifacts
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13 years ago
Ah crap, forgot that tech thing of yours. Yes the tech bar is really misleading.
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13 years ago
Techs are still irrelevant, you can buy them instantly with enough credits.
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13 years ago
Licho is right, techs are irrelevant, Cybernetics are still very close to winning! They are 796 IP and just two battles from winning, on worlds with 0 defense where they have an adjacent planet, and a world with level 1 defense where they are two planets away (they just need to safe up for 3 jumpgates).

Seriously, given how many [v] and [m] they field (often whole teams, 6+ players) they could do this in a single evening. You need to take back the artifacts first, then you can start worrying about our... 7 planet lead >_>

We're also so over-developed with jumpgates etc that its sapping most of our income, just to fight cybernetics, since we own 0 tech worlds and all we can do to slow cybernetics down is hammer their eco.
+0 / -0
13 years ago
First make sure the rest of ur faction is down(lh suffers from a lot of contradictions in alliances)

Well you need to talk to the two major lh clan’s leaders, which would be pirates and sprung, if you want to start an alliance(lh and fm would be the best suited for an alliance, since we share the same enemies while sharing no border)

Dynasty is more like a huge cluster of small/medium sized clans…..try talking to the more active and the largest ones

It you want to start an alliance with cybrans you will alienate all the other factions….cybrans have always been about brute force, they never went out of their way to play the diplomacy game, part of the reason they are losing and empire is wining

I personally think all the minor factions forming into a temporary coalition right now against the empire and the cybrans would be the best decision(for the smaller factions).

(I wish there was faction based sub—forms)
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13 years ago
If we just keep fighting the cybrans while letting the empire capitalize it, we will only be handing the game to the empire
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13 years ago
Ah, last time I told everyone to stop attacking weak factions and give us back what is ours and that we'd do the same and have to team up on cyborgs and empire all you did was making fun of me, nightcold. What changed your mind?
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13 years ago
We are proud that influence of imperial forces growns. Go with my bless, my children!
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