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Cybernetics trying to win!

18 posts, 1213 views
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13 years ago
The Cybernetics are trying to take all the artifacts and win Planetwars! They had 4 artifact worlds and 6 ships around the 5th (Mirniseli). Luckily Liberated Humanity had 7 ships, and put them around Cellisin, one of the artifact worlds. We won the battle ( http://zero-k.info/Battles/Detail/41491 ) and after a hasty alliance with Sprung, i donated my 214 IP to them, pushing them over the edge and putting the planet in Liberated Humanities hands.

Everyone be careful! They may try and go for such a push again, do everything you can, strike alliances and attack the Cybernetics, we cant let Valhalla win another PW.
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13 years ago
All none- cybran factions should temporary form ceasefire/alliance.….no IP should go wasted against artifact battels…
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13 years ago
an alliance with saktoth is a near instant win for empire, we are the only ones stoping empire from wining. and we are losing planet to them all the time,

If everyone attacks cyber empire wins within a day or 2
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13 years ago
I was personally hoping that we could all turn against the empire after the cybrans were crippled and defeated

If any of the smaller factions have any intention of making pw last longer(and giving themselves more of a chance) they should alliance themselves against cybrans and get prepared to turn on the empire after they are defeated

(unlike sak or crutch my intentions are clear)
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13 years ago
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13 years ago
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13 years ago
if you want to convince everyone that you're the good guy maybe you shouldn't jumpgate our planets
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13 years ago
saktoth incase you hadn't noticed winning is the point.... everyones trying to do it cease the pathetic whining already
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13 years ago
Really, are you? Because you're not giving that impression. Cybernetics were within a single game of winning, thus the post. But i suppose you are too busy fighting the other two smallest factions in the game to understand what this whole 'winning' thing is all about or what it looks like when you see it.
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13 years ago
I say we ban everyone, then they can't win. Duh, whole "PW drama" will be solved! Peace will rule the galaxy!
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13 years ago
Sak do you understand FFA ;Þ

In honourable FFA it is very easy to figure out who to attack:
  • First attack someone to take back something that was yours.
  • Otherwise randomly attack someone nearby.

This causes the winner arises naturally in a completely fair and logical way. You're standing in the way of that with your 'diplomacy'!!!!!!1!!1!!
+0 / -0
13 years ago
Thats a pure lie sakoth, Tech indicator is broken Cybernetic has no techs and cannot achive victory at all, the 2 other most active players Sheep and massacare are afk. so u cant argue we are winning at all.
Agress with google,
At least i can say V won their earlier rounds with with brute force not with getting everyone to gang up on somoene else and then steal a victory.
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13 years ago
Agree with google? :>
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13 years ago
We're nowhere near winning, we'd need to either more than double the number of planets we have against uphill opposition (and when we get to 70 or so, everyone will ally against us), or we'd need to conquer all the artifact worlds: We dont own even one at this point, and all artifact worlds have more than 1000 IP on them. Even with our superior economy, the other factions (particularly cybernetics and liberated humanity) have far more active players than us, and routinely field entire teams in 8v8 games vs one or two empire players.
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13 years ago
Planet wars should be 2 faction end of story.
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13 years ago
well 2 faction kinda sucked when they did it....
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13 years ago
I gave Blackdutchie my ip.
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13 years ago
It was just too hard to balance because there werent enough mercs (conscripts still in) and it ended abruptly because there was no grace period (and eco victory is based on in-world assets which is clearly a pretty flawed method).
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