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Broken fight command?

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10 years ago
I'm not sure whats wrong but in my last few games ( comeing back to zero k yay :D) My fight command went horribley wrong

I lost every single game, and in almost all of them i had an army and eco andvantge, and then my units die to TOTALY stupid moves

And example of this is as such

Tick stuns Large army of enemies inside defender turret range.
send glaives to army while the enemies are stunned
Glaives dance around edge of turret range refuseing to go in no matter how many times i click fight.
By the time i remeber its broken and use move, my window is gone, and i already lost 3 glaives to the defender.

the same happend with fleas! I was trying to attack some skirmishers inside a turret range and poof, Stupid fleas

the same achutlly happend to my oppenent

He used the fight command with his rocko group against my warrior
So they grouped up to give him a group hug and all got killed. Turret ranges where somewhere near by.

Whats Wrong With fight command!!?
Why doesnt it fight anymore?
+0 / -0

10 years ago
At the risk of looking silly, it really feels like rockos do not skirm warriors under fight command anymore.
+0 / -0
the same achutlly happend to my oppenent

He used the fight command with his rocko group against my warrior
So they grouped up to give him a group hug and all got killed. Turret ranges where somewhere near by.

This would be me: http://zero-k.info/Battles/Detail/297011 (sometime around 11-13 minutes, top-right of the map)

When I went and looked at the replay I'm not positive that the rockos were on fight-command. It's possible I gave them an ordinary move-command by mistake, I'm not sure. How can one find out for certain one way or the other from the replay?
+0 / -0

10 years ago

How can one find out for certain one way or the other from the replay?

Highlight the units and hold shift
+0 / -0
10 years ago
To be frank i also feel like rockos cannot skirmish warriors anymore. They do alright vs other units but they specificly get cought off guard by warriors.

Heated using fight command on daggers is not really a good idea since they like to derp a lot while doing it. Besides do fleas even have unit AI like roach or tick to avoid skirmishers?
+0 / -0

10 years ago
USrankHeated1333 you need to provide replays with the position and time which you think something went wrong.

This would be me: http://zero-k.info/Battles/Detail/297011 (sometime around 11-13 minutes, top-right of the map)
I did not see anything bad happen in that area. Look again and give a more precise position and time.

Set this in settings and use it all the time:
Menu/Settings/Interface/Command Visibility -> All Units
+0 / -0
10 years ago
I've had a simmilar issue once, turned out the problem was the Dynamic Avoidance widget. I changed the widget settings a bit and didn't have any problems ever since. (my current settings)

I could not manage to reproduce your described behavior though, so maybe it's something else.
+0 / -0

10 years ago
It was at 13:40 in the top-right corner of the map, but the rockos were just on move-command and I'm a klutz. Nothing to see here.
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