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Timewarp Is Invisible?

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10 years ago
The chatlog wont show the timewarp when changed by the player?

How do i fix this? It has been like this since the most recent update.

Should i just revert to the old chilichat widget?
+1 / -0

10 years ago
Timewarp? You mean speed change or something else? I know USrankAdminCarRepairer has been working on the chat widget recently, but I don't know that anything to do with chat filtering was changed. I'm strongly suspecting it was, however, given the recent complaints about speed messages not showing up.
+0 / -0

10 years ago
Timewarp aka Speed change is also not showing up for me, as well as other verbose like incorrect cheat usage, 'Razor is under attack' etc...
Pretty muchvanything that isn't actual chat, which can be a little annoying...
+0 / -0

10 years ago
USrankAutoWar & USrankCollserra: Go into the F11 menu, pick a random widget, and click on it twice. It doesn't matter what widget, I just want to know which of the messages "(widget) enabled!" and "(widget) disabled!" show up. Looking at the code I think that only "(widget) enabled!" will show up, but I want to know what you see, since right now I'm seeing speed messages (along with the other non-chat messages that should show up)
+0 / -0
No luck...

I tried toggling a few different widgets, including chili chat widget, but with same results as before trying anything. (Neither 'widget enabled' or 'widget disabled' show up.)


There's the battle if you think that'll help at all
+0 / -0
10 years ago
When the old chat widget is activated, it displays all the various system messages, including on-off widget messages.
Side by side, the new chat widget displays only text, and none of the various system messages such as "Autowar set game speed to 0.9".
+0 / -0
Okay, that's even worse. According to the Lua code the "enabled!" message should be showing at the very least. I'll have to take a careful look at the logic then, because it was working (and continues to work for me, so I'll need to experiment with settings).

Anyway, it seems to work fine with Pro Console2, just not Pro Console. Not sure why yet. I should also note that Chili Chat 2.2 is set up with the same filtering as the other two, but that seems to also work properly.

Okay, I found the difference. Turns out the set of filtered text that should be showing is still being hidden, but pausing and speed changes were special-cased elsewhere.

Also, a side note, the widget stuff isn't supposed to show messages, the "enabled!" is for stuff like input grabbing, dynamic sky/sun, cheats, etc.

All fixed now, in a PR, should hopefully be in next stable.
+1 / -0
10 years ago
Disable Proconsole and use chili
+0 / -0

10 years ago
@[ffc]killer: I don't know what your problem is with Pro Console, but Chili Chat has the exact same messages shown (copy-paste of whitelist).
+0 / -0

10 years ago
Proconsole 2 (uses fading) will show speed changes. It will eventually replace proconsole 1.
+0 / -0
CarRepairer: Check Git. All chat consoles (Chili Chat 2.2, Pro Console, Pro Console2) show all player-relevant messages in chat (speed changes, desyncs, engine features enabled/disabled, pausing, cheating, player resignation and exit, autogroups, camera following, and wind range). I realize it is muddying the definition of "chat" a bit, but with the debug console hidden behind F8, I figure most players will (and should) never see the debug console.
+0 / -0

10 years ago
Was that a recent change? Because I had to add it specifically. The "chat window" could be termed a "chat and important messages" window then. It's just semantics.
+0 / -0

10 years ago
I added it yesterday evening. It wasn't showing those messages in chat before because the original design expected the console visible at all times, which is no longer true.
+0 / -0