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Queston about trnaslation Zero-K to another languages

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As you know Zero-K translation is in progress:

I have some qustions about translation and it is not so easy to find exact people who coordinate translation in thet chat so I will ask questions here.

It is about tranaslation of the unit names. There was idea to translate unit names that way:
Translated_unit_name (original_unit_name).
Like that:
Tick -> Клещ (Tick).

It will help people with differnet languages to comminicate each other. Translation was copmpleted that way. But after moment when translation strings was updated to new version (old was marked as deprecated) that idea was lost for some reason
Why? And what should I do now with unit names?

Also I noticed that some unit names looks "special". For example "Tick"-> "Armtick". Is it binded to some variables and should not be changed?
+0 / -0

10 years ago
"armtick" is an engine unitname, and definitely should not be changed. I don't think the import tool should let you do it anyway, but point being, don't spend time doing that.

But after moment when translation strings was updated to new version (old was marked as deprecated) that idea was lost for some reason

There's no actual reason, probably just a series of inconsistencies. When/if ZK finally upgrades to a future engine and stays put there, those should be cleaned up.
+0 / -0
So I should just do not translate unit names for now? Right?
+0 / -0

10 years ago
That's correct.
+0 / -0

10 years ago
The tag 'unitname' is just an internal identifier. So don't worry when you see stuff like armtick or nsaclash. The tag 'name' contains the thing that people see.
+0 / -0