Last battles
646 played, 43 watched, 57 missionsB803062 2 on Chicken Nuggets v5
B505251 2 on Tabula-v6.1
B505210 3 on Tabula-v6.1
B505060 7 on DigSite
B505022 5 on DeltaSiegeDry Deluxe V3
B504987 4 on DeltaSiegeDry Deluxe V3
B504958 3 on DeltaSiegeDry Deluxe V3
B504733 8 on BananaValley
B504701 7 on BananaValley
B504678 4 on Valiant_Saltscape
Posted threads
10 posts in 3 threadsClan Like a Catapulta!
Ancient history lie
The Nub Experience
Mass transport aircraft
C&C generals zero hour Reborn 5.5
LOW Elo limit for "Teams: all welcome"
B184331 8 on Arctic_Pass (Multiplayer)
New Total Annihilation?
Fix resolution when fullscreen?
Poll votes
- Do you use the gesture build menu? (see http://zero-k.info/Forum/Thread/9447 for more info) : Yes
- What is the worst sound in Zero-K? : I don't know
- We have recently switched our hosts to use an updated engine version, Spring 94.1 Previously we were using Spring 91.0. Which runs better? : No speed difference.
- Did you like "team commander ends" ? : Yes, keep it enabled.
- What is your preferred team game size? : Medium 5v5 to 7v7
First Login: 12 years ago, Last Login: 5 years agoForum karma: +9 / -0
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