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How do you get experience (mechanism)?

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Post edit history
Date Editor Before After
4/14/2014 12:06:07 PMUSrankhixidom before revert after revert
4/14/2014 12:05:18 PMUSrankhixidom before revert after revert
4/14/2014 12:03:29 PMUSrankhixidom before revert after revert
Before After
1 Whaaat? I swear those weren't there an hour ago. Anyways, I was typing !help in the Zero-K Chat and wasn't seeing the commands. When I typed !help in the Battle Chat, a commands list pops up that does have !spawn, though it seems to pertain to the particular Battle server I was playing on at the time. I'm gonna look around again for some clarification on the website. I think there must be something I'm missing. Sorry for crying wolf. 1 Whaaat? I swear those weren't there an hour ago. Anyways, I was typing !help in the Zero-K Chat and wasn't seeing the commands. When I typed !help in the Battle Chat, a commands list pops up that does have !spawn, though it seems to pertain to the particular Battle server I was playing on at the time. I'm gonna look around again for some clarification on the website. I think there must be something I'm missing. Sorry for crying wolf.
2 \n 2 \n
3 "Are there games you played that are not being recorded on the site, or something?" 3 "Are there games you played that are not being recorded on the site, or something?"
4 Well, singleplayer games, but maybe those don't count for anything. 4 Well, singleplayer missions, but maybe those don't count for anything.