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tactical sub fire mechanics

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Post edit history
Date Editor Before After
3/21/2020 2:59:21 AMITrankThomas1 before revert after revert
3/21/2020 2:58:47 AMITrankThomas1 before revert after revert
3/21/2020 2:53:37 AMITrankThomas1 before revert after revert
Before After
1 reef fires once and doesnt set target, it also fires trough Dgun tho 1 reef fires once and doesnt set target, it also fires trough Dgun tho
2 \n 2 \n
3 tac silo, when fired by selecting the silo and issuing on a unit, also sets target but only fires 1 missile 3 tac silo, when fired by selecting the silo and issuing on a unit, also sets target but only fires 1 missile
4 \n
5 nuke doesnt set target and fires 1 nuke