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Post edit history
Date Editor Before After
3/30/2012 1:09:55 PMSErankThat80sJanitor before revert after revert
3/30/2012 1:09:12 PMSErankThat80sJanitor before revert after revert
Before After
1 @Dogma 1 @Dogma
2 An outlaw pulse weapon would be nice. 2 An outlaw pulse weapon would be nice.
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4 Here's an idea. If we're discussing the gravity beams and Outlaw pulses, why not add an ability for it? Say, a medium-sized Outlaw pulse that, instead of slowing, pushes the units outwards from it? 4 Here's an idea. If we're discussing the gravity beams and Outlaw pulses, why not add an ability for it? Say, a medium-sized Outlaw pulse that, instead of slowing, pushes the units outwards from it?
5 This wouldn't affect larger units, but the smaller ones, like the Glaive, Scorcher and Thugs would be sent into an arc in the air and flying off a few feet before crashing down for that sweet, sweet Fall Damage. 5 This wouldn't affect larger units, but the smaller ones, like the Glaive, Scorcher and Thugs would be sent into an arc in the air and flying off a few feet before crashing down for that sweet, sweet Fall Damage. ( And, more importantly, to keep those irritating buggers away from the mighty Jugglenaut)
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7 I'm thinking that this could either be around the Jugglenaut, or at a nearby targeted location. 7 I'm thinking that this could either be around the Jugglenaut, or at a nearby targeted location.
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9 ... 9 ...
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11 TL;DR: Outlaw Pulse ability that pushes small units outwards from it, could either be a targeted ability, or activated around it. 11 TL;DR: Outlaw Pulse ability that pushes small units outwards from it, could either be a targeted ability, or activated around it.
12 Keep the gravity beams for single, larger units. 12 Keep the gravity beams for single, larger units.