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Unit Icon Distance

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11 years ago
I've been trying for days with this setting and I can never get it to work. It always resets to 10,000 or 100,000 or something. I must have done something, because a few weeks ago I didn't have this problem. Unit icons showed up fine when I scrolled out.

Does anyone know what I did and how I can revert it?
+0 / -0

11 years ago
There's a new widget called "Icon Height" which overrides icon distance. It should be disabled by default, though. Maybe you enabled it inadvertently?

Press F11 and look under the Units category for a widget called Icon Height. Or pull up the settings menu and go to Settings/Graphics/Unit Visibility and see if you have any controls enabled for it.

... if that's not it, I dunno.
+0 / -0
11 years ago
Negative. It's enabled and icons still show up if I tap Tab and go into the overview mode.
+0 / -0
11 years ago
If its enabled then turn it off. Here is the description for "Icon Height" widget:

It does not seem to be enabled by default.
+0 / -0
Right. Well, it's off and icons aren't showing up in Tab (Overview mode) anymore. In fact, they're still not showing up at all. But maybe this means the unit icon distance will no longer reset to 100,000 in the options?

Edit: I distinctly remember there being a way to change the icon distance in-game using some sort of key combination + scrolling.

Edit2: Changed the UnitIconDistance in the settings from the weird 100,000 to a very low 7,500. Still no icons when I scroll out. I've tried toggling off and on the UnitIcons widget to see if it was stuck somehow, but that didn't work either.

I'm out of ideas, guys.
+0 / -0
11 years ago
7,500 is still a high value!

Just set to a really low height, like 100 or 50. So you don't have to zoom-out too far to see it.
+0 / -0
Changed the UnitIconDistance in the settings from the weird 100,000 to a very low 7,500.

You jokin? The default is like 120.

Edit: xponinja'd
+1 / -0
Interesting. That also clears up a few things. But here's the confusion that got me to that number in the first place. When I hover over it, it says "Default value: 10,000" If that's not the default, what the fuck is it doing in the tooltip?

+0 / -0
unfortunately the menu did not read ZK mod default. :P

But, try this:
press "Minimal"/"Medium"/"High"/"Ultra" first to load default setting & default lups.cfg, then open the "Custom Detail" to edit the settings

but for lups.cfg there's no menu to set value.

+0 / -0

11 years ago
It reads the engine defaults and they are often stupid.
+0 / -0