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Unit Icon Distance

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Post edit history
Date Editor Before After
10/27/2013 6:40:40 PMSErankThat80sJanitor before revert after revert
10/27/2013 6:32:47 PMSErankThat80sJanitor before revert after revert
Before After
1 Right. Well, it's off and icons aren't showing up in Tab (Overview mode) anymore. In fact, they're still not showing up at all. But maybe this means the unit icon distance will no longer reset to 100,000 in the options? 1 Right. Well, it's off and icons aren't showing up in Tab (Overview mode) anymore. In fact, they're still not showing up at all. But maybe this means the unit icon distance will no longer reset to 100,000 in the options?
2 \n 2 \n
3 Edit: I distinctly remember there being a way to change the icon distance in-game using some sort of key combination + scrolling. 3 Edit: I distinctly remember there being a way to change the icon distance in-game using some sort of key combination + scrolling.
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5 Edit2: Changed the UnitIconDistance in the settings from the weird 100,000 to a very low 7,500. Still no icons when I scroll out. I've tried toggling off and on the UnitIcons widget to see if it was stuck somehow, but that didn't work either.
6 \n
7 I'm out of ideas, guys.