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Planetary Annihilation Alpha Released

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The alpha for Planetary Annihilation is released, so interested people can watch livestreams of the people who got the alpha. It looks interesting, and is similar to zk in a lot of ways.

Edit: The full version is not scheduled to come out until December, but you can pre-order that. Beta will be in a few months.
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11 years ago
Sick news, i had no idea it was already in a semi-playable state. TotalBiscuit already put a gameplay vid up on YT too.
+0 / -0
11 years ago
Links to good videos?
+0 / -0

11 years ago
Makes us look pretty good considering we have 1/1000th of their budget.
+0 / -0
11 years ago
Well it is barely playable I'd say. I got alpha access. Still haven't had any good games. I just keep winning all the time. Maybe people haven't figured out it plays like speed metal because you can make mexes everywhere.
+0 / -0
11 years ago
Doubt they do anything about balancing till they go to beta
+0 / -0
I currently have beta access from my kickstarting, and I don't see the point of paying $40 for speedmetal when I can get that (and better) for free right now with ZK.

EDIT: It turns out that it's only $20 to get alpha access from the kickstarting. That's more reasonable.
+0 / -0

11 years ago
Yea, I saw some streams too. Most dont keep up with buildpower and overflowing a lot. But game looks really cool.
+0 / -0
11 years ago
Well alpha and beta is to develop the game further. Its not supposed to be a well balanced game. It should have decent balance after the beta. In the alpha they are just gonna add more stuff and features to it.
+0 / -0
11 years ago
I've heard that the speedmetal part is going to change; they have specific terrain spots for mexes but don't have the actual mechanic working yet.
+0 / -0

11 years ago
you can make mexes everywhere

...is that by design intent, or did they just think mexes weren't important enough to complete properly before a public release of any kind?
+0 / -0
11 years ago
They say it's alpha.
And in a real alpha that shouldn't be their biggest worry.
+0 / -0
WEll a combination with the unit complexity handling from this game and with planet maps and a bit of graphics from planetary annihilation will make awesome game.Also...bigger maps are more interesting.CUrently i diddnt see for example drag line of units using right click or using shift+ clik 1 in making multiple buildings.Game lacks lots of things...to bad he cant inspire from this game we have here:D.
+0 / -0

11 years ago
CUrently i diddnt see for example drag line of units using right click or using shift+ clik 1 in making multiple buildings.Game lacks lots of things...to bad he cant inspire from this game we have here:D.

From what i recall they explicitly turned down the ui optimizations you listed here, including custom formation, self-micro, etc.
+0 / -0
11 years ago
Its sad...as i sayid this is the best game i ever saw regarding the mechanics of units and types of commands you can give.And yes..terraform...thats a thing that you dont see in games often.What else you want?TO bad we dont have an investment like Planetary annihilation has, cause this game will sure go in the tops.I always wanted a game of complexity...and not tons of graphics with no purpose.
+0 / -0
11 years ago
Neutrino only turned down automation that requires more unit stances, so I guess stuffs like custom formations and fight command still have a chance.
+0 / -0

11 years ago
He's well aware of custom formations, he's completely uninterested in learning any lessons from us at all.

In a thread proposing priorities, people were saying they did not want a game 'dumbed down' by automation and wanting a 'serious' game and stuff, so I made a post saying saying 'Hey, guys, Zero-K and PA are very different games, and our game is not "dumbed down" by all this automation, it's actually punishingly difficult', being very conciliatory towards PA and it's different design objectives but still encouraging them to at least look at Zero-K, and Neutrino makes this post about how 'It's good that you recognise that your game has a very narrow target audience' (about as narrow as yours, dude!) and about how they don't want their game to be TOO difficult so they SHOULDN'T copy our automation (?!?!?).

So yeah don't hold your breathe. They're not interested in seeing how anyone else solves these problems.
+0 / -0
Saktoth on Uber forum:
"I'm fully sympathetic to Neutrino here. Zero-K has a very powerful interface, and full lua scripting so you can write an AI to play the game for you if you like. So we have to design the game to be complex, and the decisions non-trivial: IE, they simply can't be automated.

Sometimes this railroads our design. Neutrino is right: Energy drain like discussed here basically had to be removed. Turrets draining energy to fire, metal extractors (mexes) draining energy to function, etc are trivially circumvented by a reserve or priority system.

So instead, we have an energy 'grid'. Energy has to be adjacent (or linked in a chain) to metal extractors and turrets to provide power. If you break the chain, the structure can fail.

The total energy linked to a metal extractor determines its max Overdrive amount, which consumes all your excess energy to provide more metal with diminishing returns. This replaces metal makers, keeping metal extractors and thus territory important even when you have huge amounts of energy.

There are dozens of other design solutions to this but you can see how this actually makes the game more complex when your energy also has a spatial component. It is vitally important to emphasize that Zero-K is not any simpler because of it's automation. It is actually needlessly difficult in many places and I think this hurts our popularity, but all the devs are high level Spring players who have been playing for years, so sometimes we design for ourselves and fail to see this.

A good example is many of our projectiles move so slow that they can be dodged (like Quake, imagine this with 100 units!). So we have an AI (on 'attack move/fight') that jinks to dodge them automatically (less competently than a player). This is so needlessly complex it is sometimes ridiculous."

I think it is really hard to not see 0K as a game with more hardcore target audience after Saktoth posted this, and it is strange that Saktoth implied that stuffs like unit AI might make the game needless complex and harm its popularity(which I disagree) while actually want PA to have these features.
+0 / -0
Take it in context, here is Neutrino:
So tell me, am I just crazy here? Should we always err on the side of making the interface more powerful? Should we make the units smarter and the decisions even higher level than I'm comfortable with? Personally I think at some point it changes the nature of the game into something that is so meta that it's no longer fun. Maybe I draw that line sooner than zero-k fans?

I admit I really over-emphasized how fucking hardcore our game is. But this sentiment was the dominant one in the thread. 'Oh Zero-K is for babies'. So I had to illustrate how we solve design issues brought on by our powerful interface by making -more- meaningful decisions for the player, not LESS. I was trying to be charitable to him having different design goals by admitting ours are non-optimal, which was a mistake I should have just made our game sound awesome with 0 downsides (but there was a lot of bickering among Zero-K fans and PA fans which was fruitless so I wanted to be conciliatory).

So he responds with:
That vision does simply not include being as hardcore as zero-k which has some great innovation but is ultimate not approachable for a normal gamer. I'm glad that those who worked on zero-k realize that they've created a game that caters to a very hardcore part of the community.

So at one moment the decisions are too meta and abstracted and at the other they're too hardcore, you really can't win.
+0 / -0

11 years ago
Out of curiosity, what is their view on Starcraft series?
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