use ccocf camera its smoother you will have better tracking of units in your view while zooming/moving around, decrease fov setting for better veiwing when zoomed out.
make your ingame ui transparent to increase visibility,
minimap collapsable and maybe disable playerlist,
show net gain loss on eco bars as numbers and mex income as numbers.
interface selection; disable the shapes, blurry halos on, enable team platter
unit visibility; outlines thikness up all the way.
fog disabled, its finicy u have to move the sliders around until its gone, it might come back dunno how to do this reliably
increase radar jammer visibility and make the inside of radar coloured not only edge.
increase the size of health bars and eta ui,
enable icon heights, will make all units display as icons when at certain height, ensure that u dont get half units as icons and the rest models on same screen, because default is distance from camera to decide if icon or model,
decrease icon height trigger height.
teams colours enable self as teal, idk green just hurts my eyes after a while,
lagging players blinking,
in audios id decxrease all unit respons and ambient sounds, keep battle volume not too low and music all the way up, u will need the harmonious sounds to not go insane.
map exterior id disable since it only takes attention away,
water settings try reflective as it geives better visibility of underwater units,
groud decals must be on its gives away stuff out of your los
have range of units displayed when selected
swifts and raptors on manouvre instead of roam
set units to hold position trough unit behaviour insettings,
i have commander selection rank as 2 so i dont disrupt build queues, djin is 1 and owl is 1,
set up autogroups, im using raiders on 1, assualts on 2, skirms on 3, riots on 4, arti on 5, aa on , builders on 7, striders and supports on 8, scouts on 9, and iris aspisdjinn on 0.
set up some hotkeys,
landing planes on R
gunship strafe on D
firetate toggle on Q
autoretreat zone on I
autoretreat toggle on u and cancel autoretreat on Y
ferry on K
i use sellect all same units on Z instead of ctrl Z
area cloaker toggle on D
pause on *
enable attrition counter, preferably transaprent :P
enable a factory bar a build bar
use unit marker for large buildings
get all the widgetery, mainly u want ;
all of terves (prefires, sweepers,targeting ais, burrowbomb attack, juggler ai , newton ai, flea cloack spotter, caretaker ai, jump dodge bombs, scorpion dante ulti auto defence, separate waypoints for bombs)
avoidance ai for scythes and widows,
artillery counter battery /marking,
esainanes icons are quite good but performance hungry and u will get a headchace in large teams,
damage flicker,
comeplted units notifier,
the lotus script ideally slowed down to actually do something
learn to land swifts and thunderbirds, there are widgets that will do it for you but i find that doing it manually is effective enough and low apm cost
set owl to auto retreat by default on 66%, use them on repeat to patrol the frontlines
if you reliably win against brutal, fight zkgbai to train mechanical micro countering/ecoing,
most important one is use lobsters in packs ofc, with sumo and cloak fields
some of these are perhaps subjective but i found they improved my performance so i addded
btw u need to do this before any of the above you have any question or something incomprehensibly badly written pls ask, ingame or here
as for actual gameplay you need only git gud, fight yourself if you must fight, leave others alone