2 old and well knowm problems
Got some suggestions regarding em:
R1 - Disarm missile also drains the shield of disarmed targets
R2 - x2 Drone population
R3 - Addition of a Radar Jammer
R4 - Shields for the service/airpads (example: 300 cap, 5 regen, 1-5 E drain)
S1 - Combined storage stays ingame
S2 - Addition of Spilt Storages (same cost but 2x capacity or 1/2 cost and same capacity)
S3 - Destroyed M storage pile contains the stockpile it had 1:1 + usual reclaim of the building itself (only works when player has more metal than new storagecap)
S4 - Destroyed E storage explosion scales with E income/storage fill level/Grid strengh
S5 - E storage same cost, x4 capacity, requires (?? strong) grid to bulid
S6 - "Social storages" gives every player storage capacity (=StorageCap:Playercount)
S7 - Disarmed Storages become unacessable but content isnt lost
S8 - Shocked,EMPed E storages lose stockpile
S9 - Builders provide small storage capacity (+5-+10? funnel more?)
S10 - Option to toggle storages on/off
I would like the following discussion to be about reasons why NOT and adjustment/improvement ideas. R1-4 and S1-10 is so u can easily refer to the point youre talking about. If more explanation on some points is needed just ask.
Im looking forward for the results, maybe we can improve something!