This shit is way too OP both in 1v1 and team games
1. Fast
2. High burst DPS
3. High HP
4. Fast re-cloak combined with fast unit speed makes adv. micro really scary - run away, cloak, turn 180 degree - wipe off chasing enemy
5. Relatively small decloak radius - makes it easy to sneak in behind enemy main forces and backstab from unexpected direction
6. Low energy requirements which makes it very good at early game rushes(compare E requirements to a widow for example)
7. Very fast auto heal when not taking damage
8. Relatively low cost of 250m for all mentioned benefits
=> Due to all above it scales very well, 10 is almost x10 times better than 1 and even 1 is formidable at raiding weakly defended expansions.
Compared to THIS flea was a non existent problem. Unit needs a massive nerf/redesign
What would I do if we wanted to keep unit feeling the same?
Cost - 300m
increase E upkeep to forbid/delay early game scythe rush && mindless spam and make scythe upkeep growth tied to eco growth
Slash, slash, - slash, slash
sound could use a replacement as well... annoying as fck...